Holly's Homepage/PikeCo page *** Pike Co U.S. GenWeb/Look-ups *** Montezuma Cemetery
NOTES: a) Ch.(3-): Three children mentioned but not named in book -of Father/Mother; b) For
wives: (birth name) (.husband's name); c) For Indians (tribe); d) [Portrait]; e) {Personal sketch}
However, main info may appear under a child!; f) & --firm name, under all names.
Errors will be corrected upon contact.
Note: Check alternate spellings...even the book was not always consistent!!
A | B | Bi | Br | C | Co | D | E | F | G | H | He | Ho | I | J | K | L | M | Me | Mo | N | O | P | Q | R |
Ro | S | Sho | St | T | U | V | W | Wh | X | Y | Z | Unknown | Bottom |
^Vail, Ch.(7-John) 623
~Helena A. (Reed) 623
~Jane (-) 623
~John 312-314, 374, {623}
~Leander {623}
~Mary (Elledge) 623
~Solomon 623
Vale, Lorinda (.Wood) 779
Valentine, Valentine & Chamberlain 560
Van Arman, John (Col.) 139
Van Aue, David 752
Van Buren, Martin 873, 876, 879, 881
Vance, Z. B. 183
Vandament, Ellen 569
~Mary (Wade) 569
~Minnie 569
~Myrtle 569
~Sylvester 569
Van Deusen, Garrett 202, 217, 229, 248, 362, 417, 418, 427, 871
Vandeventer, Doctor 205
~(Van Deventer) Henson S. (Lieut.) 382
~Isaac 872, 880, 883
VanMeter, Mary (.Hinton, .Chenoweth) 483
Vannatta, James 522, 523
~Martha E. (Allen) 522, 523
Vanover, Elizabeth (.Bolin) 840
Van Pelt, Jennie (.Landess) 462
~Mrs. William (-) 476
~Samuel 476
~William 462, 476
Van Woy, Mr. (pioneer) 404
Van Zandt, C. 184
Varner, Ch.(4-James)
~James T. {416}
~John 416
~Nancy (Hanks) 416
~Sarah (Wood) 416
Varney, Ch.(2-J. W.) 722
~Charles 722
~J. N. 722
~J. W. {722}
~John 722
~Luetta 722
~Matilda (-) 722
~Moses 722
~Rebecca (Connor) 722
~William 722
Vaughn, Pat 338
~Thomas F. (Capt.) 141
Veal, Jane (.Chamberlain) 759
Veatch, Brig. Gen. 380
Venable, Ch.(6-Edward) 736
~Edward B. {736}
~Eliza (.Zerenberg) 737
~Eliza J. (Gresham) 725, 736
~John 736
~Louisa 736
~Rachel (-) 736
Vertrees, J. S. 311
Victoria, Queen Victoria 444
Virginia (tribe) 53
Vond, Ansel {751}, 752
~Francis Nero 752
~George E. 752
~Lucy 752
~Lucy Ann (McWorter) 216, 217, 740, 752
Voorhees, Doctor 61
~Ellen (.Felmly, .Shoemaker) 507
Voss, Arno (Col.) 140
^Wacaser, Martha L. (.Weeks) 583
Wade, Albertie 440
~Ann (Stoner) 426
~Arthur 426
~Austin 317, {425}, 426, 569
~Benjamin F. 327, {566}
~Bethleham (.Goldman) 541
~Brunce 569
~Ch.(2-Austin) 425, 426
~Ch.(1-Benjamin) 566
~Ch.(1-Coleman) 426
~Ch.(4-John/Vibler) 510
~Ch.(6-Josias) 569
~Ch.(3-Z.) 510
~Charles {509}
~Clifford 426
~Colman {426}, 569
~Cynthia (Owens) 569
~Dorcas H. 566
~Edward 479
~Elizabeth 425
~Elizabeth (-) 566
~Ellen (Ellis) 440
~Ernest 426
~Fannie M. (Hobbs) 509
~Ferber 425
~Frances (-) 510
~Frances (Lindville) 440
~Francis (John (Flint)'s son) 426
~Francis (of Flint) 418, 426, 566
~Fred 426
~George 426
~Grace (.Turnbull) 566
~Hannah C. (Lyon) 569
~Harvey 440
~Henry B. 440
~Homer 425
~Irene 426
~James 440
~Jane (Elliott) 566
~John (of Flint) {426}
~John (of Perry) 509, {510}
~John Jr. 426
~John K. 566
~Josiah 418, 510
~Josias 425, 426, {566}, 569
~Josias Sr. 566
~Lillian 426
~Luranie 425
~Margaret E. (Spence) {569}
~Maria 426
~Martha E. 566
~Mary (Morrison) 510
~Mary (.Vandament) 569
~Mary A. (Pyle) 425
~Mary J. 426
~Mr. (coffee mill owner) 421
~Rachel (Pyle) 426
~Raymond 426
~Richard 222, 227, 871, 876
~Thomas {440}
~Thomas Jr. 440
~Vibler (Taylor) 509, 510
~Willard 425
~Zack 318, 474, 476, {510}
Wagner, Caroline (Schwer) 510
~Catherine (Lutz) 510
~Ch.(8-William) 510
~Jacob 447
~John 510
~Leonard {510}
~Louisa Jane (Rider) 510
~Margaret (.Hess) 456
~William {510}
Wagoner, Elizabeth (.Lytle) 701
~Martha J. (Duland) 777
~Moses {777}
~William Henry 777
Wagy, Nancy A. (.Journey) 864
Walch, Charley 867
~Charlotte (Hull) 867
~Frank 867
~J. A. 867
~J. A. Jr. {867}
~Mrs. J. A. (-, .-) 867
~Roy 867
Walden, Mr. (teacher) 447
Walk, Alice A. 443
~Birrel {440}, 443
~Ch.(2-Jasper) 443
~Charlotte A. 443
~Cora B. 443
~Cordelia J. 440
~Eliza (Roland) 440
~Ella Bell 443
~Hardin W. 440
~Harvey C. 443
~Hulburt C. 443
~Jasper {443}
~Jasper C. 443
~Lincoln Teter 443
~Mahala (-) 443
~Rachel (Anthony) 443
~Sarah A. 443
~Teter 440
Walker, Amanda (Evans) 569
~Ann L. 569
~Archibald 471
~Archy 752
~Ch.(3-J.) 624
~Ch.(11-John) 752
~Ch.(3-Robert J.) 569
~Charles 752
~Elizabeth 569
~Elizabeth (.Butler) 419
~Elizabeth (.Wilson) 571, 572
~Ellen (Batley) 624
~Emma C. 569
~Fannie 569
~George J. 569
~Hannah (Scott) 623
~Hannah (.Taylor) 440
~J. W. {623}, 624
~James 472, 479, 879
~James W. 850
~Jeremiah 440
~John {752}
~Lettie 752
~Louise (.-) 752
~Lucy (-) 752
~M. Jane 569
~Margaret A. (.Williams) 471
~Mary 569
~Mrs James W. (Berry) 850
~N. A. 611
~Oregon 752
~Peter 752
~Pinkney H. (Hon.) 271, {389}, 390
~Rebecca (.Hardy) 490
~Rebecca (.Sleight) 422
~Robert 490, 623
~Robert J. {569}
~Sarah (.Steele) 508
~William 752
~Willard S. 569
Wallace, Catherine (Staira) 852
~Ch.(12-James) 852
~Doctor 890
~Elizabeth (.Emerson) 844
~Henry 313, 372, 373
~James 311-314, {852}
~John 852
~Lew (Brig. Gen.) 377
~Mr. (collector) 418
~Nathaniel (Capt.) 852
~Rebecca (.Dewell) 815
~Sarah Ann (Blacklidge) 852
~W. H. L. (Col.) 138
Walling, Catherine (-) 417
~Ch.(5-Henry) 417
~Henry R. (Dr.) {417}, 479
~Isaac 647
~Isaac H. (Capt.) {647}, 648
~James 417
~Mary H. (-) 647
~S. S. (Gaston) 417
Walls, Nancy E. (.Kirtright) 821
Walmouth, J. B. 693
Walmsley, Mary (Carpenter) 624
~Richard 624
~Richard T. {624}
Walpole, Ch.(2-W.) 510
~Edward (Sir) 503
~Marian (Piper) 510
~Rebecca (James) 510
~Sarah (.Callis) 475, 481, 503
~W. C. {510}
~William 510
Walton, William C. {337}
Wan-be-nee-wan (-) 65
Warburton, John 782
Ward, Emma (.Davis) 743
~George 589
~Jasper 169
~James (early settler) 206, {210}, 211
~James (Hon.) 307, {399}, 653, 664, 776, 871, 881
~Mary (.Reed) 502
~Mr. (early settler) 206
~Mr. (of Griggsville) 904
~Samuel 565
~Sarah (.Higbee) 845
~Susan (.Pryor, .Simpson) 565
~William 241, 253, 715, 871
Ware, Ch.(?-Job) 777
~Charles 777
~Gertrude 777
~Harry 777
~Ida Belle 777
~Job S. {777}
~Lillie G. 777
~Sarah (Robertson) 777
~William I. 777
Warinner, Mary (Blane) 867
~Mr. (Robert's father) 867
~Mrs. (Robert's mother) (-) 867
~Robert D. {867}
Warman, Betsey (.McCory) 720
Warmouth, Governor 891
Warner, John (Col.) 139
Warren, Alva S. {793}, 794
~Calvin A. (Hon.) {391}, {399}, 881
~Ch.(4-Henry) 511
~Charles {399}
~Charles C. 882
~Fitz Henry (Brig. Gen.) 379
~George E. 885
~Hattie A. (Adams) 793, 794
~Henry {511}
~John 511
~Julia (.Tucker) 623
~Laura 793, 794
~Mrs. Henry (-) 511
~Sarah (Brantlinger) 511
Warton, Ann 569
~Ch.(3-Mr.) 569, 570
~Elizabeth 569
~Elizabeth (Haxbey) 569, 570
~Elsie May 570
~Esther (.Craven) 531
~Fannie (McPherson) 570
~Frank {569}
~George 569
~J. B. 479
~John {569}
~John Jr. 569
~Mary (Haxbey) 569
~Mary J. (.Hensell) 545, 569
~Mr. (William/John's father) 569, 570
~Mrs. (William/John's mother) (-) 569, 570
~Rachel 569
~Sarah J. 569
~Thomas 569
~William 545, {569}, 570
~William Jr. 659, {570}
Washburne, Elihu B. 166, 169
Washington, George 48, 51, 305, 410, 413, 420, 584, 735, 778, 806
Wassell, Amelia (.Helme) 684
~Anna 778
~Arthur 704
~Elmer 704
~Emma (Bentley) 704
~Georgia 704
~Grant 704
~James {704}
~James H. {778}
~John 769
~Mary 704
~Mary (Tipler) 778
~Mr. (Amelia's father) 684
~Robert 778
~Sarah Ann (Kerr) 769
~Sarah E. (Mather) 704
~Susanna (Gray) 704
~William (James' father) 704
~William (James' son) 704
Wasson, Betsy (.Long) 462
Watenworth, Betsey (.Hutton) 458
Waterhouse, A.C. (Capt.) 140
Waters, Cynthia (.Garrison) 455
~Eliza Ann (.Johnson) 789
~Israel 199
~Louis/Lewis H. (Col./Hon.) 139, 372, 377, {392}
Waterson, Nathan, Job 212
Watkins, Eura J. (.Johnson) 766
Watson, Ann (Brown) 752
~Archibald 703
~B. A. 474, {511}
~Ch.(6-B.) 511
~Ch.(4-Stephen) 752
~Cobb & Watson 811
~David K. 883
~Diadema (McQuigg) 703
~Ellen (.Barrett) 703
~Emma R. (Planck) 511
~Esther (.White) 833
~George 916
~Hannah (.Cunningham) 575
~Helena (Terry) 570
~Hill & Watson 659
~James 800
~John 570, 800
~Jon 896
~Lucy C. (.Gould) 489
~Margaret (.Thornton) 599
~Maria (Cape) 511
~Mrs. A. B. (.Carey) 511
~Nathan 212
~S. J. (.Scanland) 699
~Stephen R. 217, 740, {752}, 781
~T. M. (Dr.) {570}
~Virginia (.Perry) 829
~W. W. 511
~Watson & Abbott 678
~William 221, 270, 654, [655], 657, 699, {703}, 704, 811, 871, 872, 880, 895, {896}
Wattles, Sarah (.Matthews) 499
Watts, Harriet (.White) 443
Waugh, M. E. (.Mitchell) 730
~Richard 570
Weatherford, (Lieut. Col.) 124
Weaver, Asa 737
~Ch.(10-Hermon) 737
~Harmon {737}
~Lucretia (-) 737
~Sarah (Roberts) 737
~Thomas (Rev.) 429
Webb, Cornelia (Dunham) 583
~Edwin B.881
~Jane (Hamilton) 490
~John 200, 203, {583}
~Wm. A. (Col.) 138
Weber, Ch.(7-Jacob) 511
~Harry 832
~Jacob {511}
~John (of Barry) 800, 801, {832}
~John (of Germany) 511
~John Sr. 832
~Margaret (-) 832
~Mary (Klos) 511
~Mary (Readliner) 511
~Nettie 832
~Ralph K. 832
~Rosa (High) 832
Webster, Ada (-) 737
~Ch.(1-Z./Margaret) 737
~Ch.(4-Z./Margaret J.) 737
~Daniel 425, 873
~Ellen (-) 737
~Francis 876
~Henry 737
~J. G. 448
~James 737
~Margaret (Briscoe) 737
~Margaret J. (Davis) 737
~Miriam (.Wells) 737
~Sarah (.Winans) 710
~Senator 163
~Z. T. {737}
Weed, Rhoda (.Carter) 673
Weeks, Angeline (Stagg) 583
~Ch.(4-John/Angeline) 583
~Ch.(7-John/Martha) 583
~Elizabeth (McFadden) 583
~Ezekiel 583
~John A. {583}
~Martha (Wacaser) 583
~Rosanna (Pennocks) 583
~W. T. {583}
Weiler, John {570}
Weinand, Jennie S. (.Dow) 679
Welch, Rebecca (.Clare) 674
Wellenreiter, August {570}
~Charlotte 570
~Ch.(5-August) 570
~Johnnie 570
~Lizzie 570
~Malinda (Turner) 570
~Wesley Leander 570
~Wesley W. 570
Well's Farm 274
Wells, Captain 62, 63
~Ch.(5-G.) 737
~Ch.(?-James) 728
~Ch.(5-Perry/Eliz.) 737
~Ch.(2-Perry/Kate) 737
~Elizabeth (-) 737
~Elizabeth (.Thomas) 776
~Elizabeth J. (Kerr) 737
~Elizabeth J. (.Wills) 707
~Esquire 404
~Family 366
~Francis P. 326
~G. W. {737}
~James 404, 410, 472, 728
~John 777
~Joseph B. 160
~Julia A. (.Ham) 410
~Kate (Tisler) 737
~Mary (-) (Robert's wife) 707
~Mary (-) (Richard's wife) 737
~Miriam (Webster) 737
~Mollie (.Thomas) 736
~N. A. 313
~Patience (Keer, .Smith, .McElfresh) 728
~Perry 357, {737}
~Providence (.Carrell) 419
~Richard 737
~Robert 707
~Ruth (.Elliott) 680
~Sarah A. (.Ham) 409
~Stephen V. 472
Wendorff, Anna 833
~Caroline (Hermon) {832}, 833
~Carrie 833
~Henry 832, 833
~Henry J. 833
~Irene 833
~Louise 833
~Mary 833
~May 833
~Mr. (shoemaker) 809
Wentworth, John 165, 166, 169
Wenzel, Gottfried (Lieut.) 381
West, Harriet (.Rogers) 697
Westlake, Ann 584
~Benjamin F. 311-314, 356, 372, 373, 574, [578], {584}, 882, 883, 885, 909
~Benjamin F. Jr. 584
~Catharine 584
~Charles F. 584
~Charlotte 584
~Charlotte (Goodwin) 584
~Ch.(3+-George) 584
~Emma D. (.Brown) 810
~Fannie S. 584
~George (Rev.) 584
~George W. 574, {584}, 585
~Hardin J. 584
~Hester (Wilson) 584
~Mary E. (Brown) 585
~Mr. (George's father) 584
~Mrs. (George's mother) (-) 584
~Susan 584
~Thomas 584
~William Henry 584
Wetherbee, Seraphina (.Martin) 769
Wethers, Tucker & Wethers 450
^Wheelan, Ch.(7-James/Isabella) 852
~Elizabeth (Brown) 852
~Isabella (Brown) 852
~James {852}
~Mary (Scully) 852
~Richard 852
Wheeler, Almira (Clemmons) 467
~Alpheus {399}-401, 876, 879
~Alvin 364
~Amanda M. 471
~Amanta (Morton) 467
~Ann (.Hess) 456
~Anna R. 467
~Annetta (Yelliott) 585
~Benjamin 467, 471
~Benjamin F. {467}
~Ch.(4-Luther) 585
~Ch.(5-William) 471
~Cora B. 467
~Dora E. 471
~John A. 467
~Lora M. 471
~Luther {585}
~Mabel M. (.Bliven) 808
~Mary (.Jordan) 846
~Mary (McCarty) 467
~Mary (.Phillips) 620
~Matilda (Battershell) 471
~Matilda W. 471
~Nancy 471
~Sarah E. 471
~Washington W. 471
~William 311, 468, {471}
Wheeling, James H. 650, 669
~Thomas H. 885
Wheelock, Dexter, 203, 781, 880
~John G. 203, 312, 313, 909
Whipple, Daniel, 259, 260, 872
~W. W. (Rev.) 521
Whitaker, Ann Eliza (.Stoner) 566, 571
~B. D. 566, {570}, 571
~Ch.(2-B.) 571
~Ch.(3-Brothers of Edward) 571
~Delia D. (Wood) 571
~Edward 571
~Emma E. (.Lacy) 571
~Helena A. (.Dozier) 571
~James K. 571
~Sarah (Sperry, .Hull) 863
~Mrs. Stephen (-), 863
~Stephen 863
White, Alexander 318, 801, {833}
~Anna B. 648
~Augustus F. {443}, 447
~Caroline 833
~Ch.(1-John/Margaret) 648
~Ch.(-John/Mary) 648
~Ch.(2-M.) 571
~Ch.(10-Thomas) 833
~Charles A. 443
~Comfort (-) 443
~Daniel D. 270
~Emily 648
~Emmet 648
~Esther (Watson) 833
~Frank 648
~Harriet (Watts) 443
~Harry {600}
~Horace A. 571
~Hugh L. 873
~James H. 571
~John {648}
~John E. 443
~John Sr. 648
~Joseph 648
~Julius (Col.) 138
~Lewis D. 312
~Louisa (Jones) 600
~M. W. {571}
~Madeline (.Wilson) 571
~Margaret 648
~Margaret (-) 648
~Margaret (White, .White) 648
~Mary A. 443
~Mary A. (Rush) 833
~Mary E. (Cunningham) 648
~Mary J. 648
~Mary Jane (.Coulter) 677
~Mattie (Bagby) 600
~Mrs. (Rogers) 571
~Mrs. Nicholas (Baron) 571
~Nicholas 571
~Perigrine 443
~Robert 648
~Silas 600
~Susan M. (Whitelaw) 571
~Thomas 833
~Thomas J. 648
~Trula 600
~W. F. 318, {833}
~W. F. White & Brother 833
~William 648
~William A. 833
Whitelaw, James (Gen.) 571
~Mehetable 571
~Robert 571
~Susan M. (.White) 571
White's Store 895
Whiteside, John D. 161
~Robert 67
~Stephen 67
~Samuel (Brig.-Gen.) 73, 74, 87, 89, 146-{149}
~Thomas 67
Whitfield, James 438
~Martha (.Rhodes) 438
Whiting, John E. (Col.) 139
~Richard H. 170
Whitly, James {325}
Whitney, James W. "Lord Coke" 203, {218}, 219, 221, 241, 253, 254, 258, 265, {401}, 664,
723, 871, 872
~John W. (James?) 362
~L. H. (Col.) 140
Whittaker, A. S. 475, {511}
~Anna (Dubois) 511
~Ch.(6-A.) 511
~Lucinda (Smith) 511
~William E. 511
Whitten, Bridge 854
~Sarah J. (.Parker) 620
Whittlesey, William (Rev.) 521
Whittleton, John, 800, 916
Wickem, Mary (.Renoud) 464
Wicks, C. S. (.Scanland) 699
~Caroline (.Clark) 811
Widby, J. N. 801
Wiggle, John 224
Wike, Ann (Grubb) 704
~Ch.(1-David) 834
~Charles S. 834
~Dallas 834
~David J. {833}, 834
~Drusilla (Orr) 834
~Elizabeth E. 834
~Elmira (Uchran) 834
~George 704, 799, 801, 804, 825, 833, 904
~George Jr. 801
~George Sr. 833
~George Wike & Co. 811
~George H. 834
~Joseph 833
~Laura A. (.Martin) 825
~Louis L. 834
~Mary (Essig) 833
~Mary E. 834
~Mary E. (.Gordon) 744
~Mr. (of Barry) 904
~Scott (Hon.) 170, 372, 402, {403}, 664, {704}, 883-885, 904
~Thomas O. {834}
~Wike Brothers 799
~William M. 834
Wilcox, N.G. 880
~Philip {326}
~S. M. (Rev.) 521
Wild, Nancy (.Piling) 641
Wilder, Ch.(4-George) 704
~Caroline (Keener) 704
~George {704}
Wildin, Elizabeth (.Obst) 693
~Hester (McFadden) 704
~John 704
~John H. {704}
~Magdalene (Stubinger) 704
Wilgins, Mary (.Lewis) 822
Wilhelm, Catharine (.Baughmon) 784
Wilkerson, William 227
Wilkins, Bettie Ann (.Hobbs) 411
~Ch.(3-Smith) 512
~?Elizabeth (Bowen, .Smith) 511
~?Peter (Smith) 511
~Sarah (.Kirgan) 496
~Sarah (Kelley) 512
~Smith {511}, 512
Wilkinson, Job 446
~William 362, 739, 740
Willard, C. M. (Capt.) 140
~Frances (Miller) 600
~Josephus 491
~Mary (.Harrington) 491
~Samuel {600}
William, Emperor William 425
Williams, Abbie 600
~Amada 600
~Amos 521
~Angeline (Moore) 779
~Archibald 396, {401}, 664, 872, 874, 875, 882
~Calvin J. 834
~Cammie (Williams, .Williams) 444
~Charles H. 443
~Ch.(7-Edward) 778
~Ch.(12-Isaac) 778
~Ch.(?-John(TN)/Mary) 834
~Ch.(7-Stephen) 778
~Ch.(2-Stephen R.) 779
~Ch.(2-William T.) 471
~Charley 600
~Claiborn 444
~Cynthia (.Worsham) 779
~D. D. (Lt. Col.) 138, {340}
~David 444
~David Anderson 704, 705
~E. T. 531
~E1len 521
~Edward 778
~Effie M. 443
~Elijah {443}
~Eliza Ann (Moore) 778, 779
~Elizabeth A. (Baldwin) 834
~Emily Adeline (Hayden) 704, 705
~Eunice (Hatch, .Holsford) 444
~Fanny (.Drummond) 779
~Frances 444
~G. W. 471
~General 410
~George 715
~George F. 471
~George W. 589
~Hannah A. (.Myers) 772
~Harvey D. {443}, 444
~Hattie B. 471
~Henry (Henry J.'s son) 600
~Henry (Stephen R's son) 779
~Henry J. {600}
~Ida (Campbell) 443
~Isaac 778
~Isaac N. {778}, 779
~J. D. 179
~J. R. {834}
~James B./R. 312
~James Henry 778
~Jane (.Sanderson) 438
~Jane (.Stewart) 466
~Janetta (.Kiser) 580
~John (TN) 834
~John (Henry J's son) 600
~John A. 438, 444
~John Anderson 705
~John H. (Hon.) {401}
~John R. 834
~John M. {794}
~Joseph 443
~Joseph F. 443
~L. F. 884
~Laura 600
~Lucy 668
~Lucy Ann 779
~Margaret (Reno) 834
~Margaret (Walker) 471
~Margaret C. (.Gallaher) 705, 890
~Martesia (Scanland) 705
~Martin 779
~Mary (.-) 779
~Mary (-, .Blair) 834
~Mary (Petty) 794
~Mary E. 600
~Mary E. (.Garner) 762
~Miss (Joseph's daughter) 443
~Mr. (coroner) 885
~Mr. (William E.'s Gggrandfather) 704, 705
~Mrs. George W. (-) 589
~Myra (.Main) 595
~Myra Grace 471
~Nancy (.Foreman) 579
~Nancy (Nicholson) 715
~Nancy J. (Funkhouser) 778
~Nicholas 444
~Nola 600
~Permelia 589
~Richard 794
~Richmond 580
~Robert 600
~Roger 184
~Rose 600
~Ruth A. (Chenoweth) 600
~S. R. (Rev.) 603
~Samuel 444
~Samuel M. {444}
~Sarah (Coleman) 778
~Sarah (.House) 778, 779
~Sarah A. (Craven) 531
~Sarah A. (Smith) 466
~Stella 600
~Stephen 778
~Stephen R. [767], {778}, 779
~Theresa Ann (Thomas) 794
~Thomas 306
~Thompson 466, 600
~Virgil 778
~William D. 778, 779
~William T. (Dr.) {471}
~William Elza {704}, 705
Williamson, Jake 366
~Thomas 683
Willis, A. V. 222, [887]
~Congressman 166
~Ellen (.Shewe) 850
~Mr. (soldier) 124
~Mrs. A. (Heath) 222
~Worden 310
Wills, Abner Vine {705}, 706
~Charles {706}
~Charles H. 707
~Ch.(5-Charles) 706
~Elizabeth (Helme) 705
~Elizabeth (Stueck) 706
~Elizabeth J. (Wells) 707
~Emily 705
~Emmet 705
~Hamilton 223, 653, 885
~Ida 707
~Isidora I. 707
~James A. (Rev.) 429
~John 705
~L. D. (Scott) 668, 706
~Lucy (.Chamberlain) 706
~Lucy E. 707
~Melinda 705
~Mille 705
~Mr. (William's father) 706
~Mrs. (William's mother) (-) 706
~Orion R. 707
~Sarah M. (Coles) 706
~William R. [298], 371, 705, {706}, 707, 916
~William R. Jr. 706, {707}
~William 705
Willsey, Almira M. 710
~Barnett 707, 708, 710
~Barnett J. {707}, 708, [714]
~Charles H. 710
~Charles L. 708
~Cornelia (Kizer) 708, 710
~Eliza Jane (McClintock) 708
~Emily Alice 708
~Emily C. (.Sellee) 699
~Eva M. 710
~Family 708
~Frances J. (Robinson) 710
~James G. [666], {708}-710
~James O. 708
~Loese W. (Hoyt) 710
~Martha A. (.Pyle) 421
~Mary E. 708
~Melinda (Rogers) 708
~Nancy C. 710
~Ora C. 710
~Perry A. 710
~William B. {710}
~William W. {710}
~William Riley 709
Wilmington, Ann (.Jones) 690
Wilsie, Horace H. (Col.) 140
Wilson, Alexander D. 867
~Bessie 512
~Bula (-, .Holiday) {444}
~C. E. (Bradbury) 512
~Catharine S. (Stratton) 512
~Ch.(4-Joseph) 571
~Ch.(3-Joseph Jr.) 425
~Ch.(2-W. R.) 608
~Charles 444
~Claudie 608
~David (of Pleas. Hill) 608, 725
~David (of Griggsville) {571}, 572
~Doctor 543
~Eliza 867
~Elizabeth (.Allison) 604
~Elizabeth (.Murray) 693
~Elizabeth (Walker) 571, 572
~Elizabeth (Wilson, .Wilson) 571
~Elizabeth F. 425
~Ellen J. (Frye) 608
~George (Elizabeth's husband) 571
~George (Elizabeth's brother) 571, 572
~Grace 512
~Henry 512
~Hester (.Westlake) 584
~Ira J. {624}
~Isaac 571
~Isaac G. (Col.) 138
~Isaphene (-) 608, 725
~J. S. {329}
~J. W. (Col.) 140
~James 624
~Jessie (.Peck) 748
~John 611
~John A. 867
~John D. {608}
~Joseph {571}, 572
~Joseph Jr. 318, 422, 425, 571, 572
~Louisa (.Butler) 419, 571
~Lydia (.Garrison) 454
~Madeline (White) 571
~Margaret (.James) 689
~Marietta (Corey) 624
~Martha (.Scott) 422, 571
~Mary (-) 624
~Mary (.Dix) 534
~Mary Ann (.Stevenson) 622
~Mrs. Joseph (Sleight) 422
~Nancy (Turnbaugh) 608
~Nancy (.Pierce) 502
~Nancy Jane (.Cory) 613
~Pearcy (.Hamner) 605
~Silas 602, 604
~Squire 693
~Susan M. (Bell) {571}
~Thurlow 571
~W. R. 318, {608}, [675]
~William 867
~William H. (Rev.) 476, {512}
~William Joseph 571
~Wilson Brothers {867}
~Woodrow 688
Winand, Bertie E. 710
~Conrad 437, {710}
~Franklin C. 710
~Hannah (Purset) 710
~Lewis H. 710
Winans, Elmer R. 710
~Emma P. 710
~Horace G. 710
~Isaac {710}
~Isaac Jr. 710
~James 710
~John S. 710
~Jonas L. 710
~Norman W. 710
~Sarah (Stiles) 710
~Sarah (Webster) 710
~William M. 710
~Winans & Platner 653
Winant/Winand, Conrad 437, 710
Winchell, Charlotte (.Dutcher) 743
Winchester, Polemon H. 325
Windmiller, Jacob {608}, 609, 725
~Laren O. 609
~Mary (Stone) 609
~Peter W. 608
~Sarah 725
~Sevelia 608
Winegar, Ch.(1-William/Clarinda) 417
~Ch.(-William/Mary) 417
~Clarinda (Jones) 417
~Freelove (-) 417
~John 417
~Mary E. (Brenden) 417
~Mary (.Hume) 411
~Phadima (.Dunn) 486
~William W. {417}
Wingert, Ann (.Odiorne) 849
Winn, Abba 572
~Ch.(2-James) 572
~Charles 572
~Hannah (Converse) 572
~Hannah J. 572
~Harriet 572
~James 311, 312, 550, {572}
~James Jr. 572
~Julia E. 572
~Sarah L. 572
Winnebago (tribe) 61, 83, 84, 91
Winnebago War {83}, 84
Winslow, David 495
~Mary (Johnston) 495
Winsor, Alonzo 634
~Andrew J. {327}
~Delight S. (.Doyle) 634
~Hampton {327}
~Margaret (-) 634
Winterbotham, Ch.(4-William) 648
~Jonathan 648
~Margaret (-) 648
~Martha E. (Harvey) 648
~William H. (Dr.) {648}
Winters, Henry {512}
~Mr. (Henry's father) 512
~Mrs. (Henry's mother) (-) 512
~Nathaniel 757
Wirt, Jennette (.Hart) 819
Wise, Willaim A. 515
Witt, Orpha M. (.Atkinson) 839
Wizenberger, Catharine (.Balzer) 839
Wizer, Sarah (.Grubb) 817
Wolf, Father 237, 357, 629
Wolfe, John S. (Col.) 139
Wolgemath, James G. 378
Wood, Ch.(5-Theodore) 779
~Clara 759
~Delia D. (.Whitaker) 571
~H. R. {779}
~John (Col./Gov.) 140, {160}, {201}, 202, 204, 382, 781, 835, 881
~Josephine (Taylor) 779
~Lorinda (Vale) 779
~Luella 779
~Rachel E. (.Stauffer) 647
~Sarah (.Varner) 416
~Theodore {779}
~William 779
Woodall, French B. (Col.) 140, 376
Woodby, John M. 801
Woodruff, Ch.(2-David) 826
~David 826
~David Jr. 826
~George 826
~John 826
~Mary 826
~Nancy J. (, .Hammon, .Mason) 826
~Tabitha (Dehart) 826
Woods, Ch.(7-James) 624
~Elsie (Ritchie) 624
~James 471, {624}
~Lucy (.Ottwell) 471
~Rachel (Jackson) 624
~Samuel 624
Woodson, David M. 400, {401}, 800
~N. A. 418
Wooley, (Woolley) Edwin 311, 447, 882
Woolfolk, Lucy (.Shinn) 701
Woolley, (Wooley) Edwin 311, 447, 882 753
~John S. 447
Woolum, Emily (.Fitzpatrick) 861
Woosley, Augusta Ann (.Sidner) 753
~Ch.(9-Joshua/Margaret) 753
~Jane (.Deran) 740, 753
~Joshua 216, 222, 307, 739, 740, {752}, 753, 871, 880, 881, 883
~Margaret (Johnson) 753
~Mr. (Joshua's father) 753
~Mrs. (Joshua's mother) (-) 753
Worcester, A. G. 317, 318
~L. E. 883
Worden, A. M. (Rev.) 629
Worrell, Franklin A. 113
Worsham, Ch.(2-Lewis) 779
~Cynthia (Williams) 779
~Laura 779
~Lewis H. {779}
~Oren 779
Worthen, A. H. (Prof.) 274, 278
Worthington, Amelia J. (Long) 711
~Mr. (Thomas' father) 710
~Thomas (Dr.) 221, 251, 304, 364, 403, 428, 653, 657, 658, {710}, 711, 805, 879, 880
~Thomas Jr. {403}, 669, {711}
Wren, Hugh W. {326}
Wright, Barbara (.Bower) 808, 809
~Charley 512
~Flora (Schaub) 512
~Frank {512}
~Harriet (-) 512
~J. W. Wright & Co. 443
~John 461
~Mr. (soldier) 67
~Robert 512
~Sarah (.Kennedy) 461
Wyman, John B. (Col.) 138
~Mary (.Jessison) 689
Wyandot (tribe) 66
^Yaeger, Andrew {601}
~Anna C. 601
~Barbara (Kern) 601
~Barbara M. 601
~Henry C. 601
~John G. 601
~Lucy J. 601
~Mary A. 601
~William F. 601
Yates, Edward {403}, {711}, 712
~Ella/Ellen M. (.Orr) 693, 712
~Emeline (.Fisher) 712
~George [567], 711, 712
~Maria (Hinman) 711, 712
~Martha F. 712
~Monroe 712
~Nancy Catherine (.Rush) 621, 622, 712
~Richard (Gov./Sen.) 127, 131, {159}, 160, {164}, 166, {401}, 682, 694, 883, 890
~Samuel 711
~William H. 712
Yearly, Lydia (.Emerson) 843
~Martha (.Gard) 844
~Mary J. (.Gard) 816
~Orintha (.Balzer) 840
Yelliott, Annette 444
~Annetta (.Wheeler) 585
~Edward B. 444
~John 444
~Luke III 444
~Luke, Jr. {444}
~Luke Sr. 436, 444
~Mary (Burland) 444
~Mary A. 444
~Sarah 444
~Rebecca (.Loveless) 436, 444
Yockney, Louisa (.Schaffnit) 504
Yokum, Amelia (.Gay) 789
~Ch.(6-Solomon) 795
~Elizabeth (Butler) 795
~F. M. {795}
~Family 366
~Solomon 795
~Zerilda (Starr) 795
York, Mr (coroner) 883
Young, Austin 864
~Brigham 118
~Caroline (.Journey) 864
~Jacob 561
~Margaret (-) 864
~Mary L. (.Hobbs) 494
~Mary Ann (.Morgan) 641
~Mr. (early settler) 218
~Mrs. (early settler) (-) 218
~Nancy (.Liggett) 822
~Nettie E. (.Patterson) 828
~Richard M. (Hon./Sen.) {162}, 163, 271, {386}
~Robert (Lieut.) 376, 377
~Timothy R. 166
Young Men's Christian Association 176
Zerenberg/Zernberg, Charles 737, 738
~Ch.(2-Frank) 738
~Christiana (-) 737
~Eliza (Venable) 737, 738
~Francis B. 738
~Frank L. 318, {737}, 738, 916
~Laura A. 738
~Mary E. (Galloway) 738
~William {738}
Ziegler, Mary (.Koeller) 847
Ziff, John 329
Zimmerman, Anna Maria (Lutz) 512
~Catharine (Bemer) 512
~Ch.(5-Fred) 512
~Ch.(7-George) 512
~Fred {512}
~George {512}, 583
~Mary (.Schemel) 583
Zumwalt, Ch.(12-Nathan) 722
~Elizabeth (Harlow) 722
~G- Ch.(14-Nathan) 722
~Mr. (indicted) 400
~Mr. (Son-in-law) 400
~Nathan 722, 729
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