Holly's Homepage/PikeCo page *** Pike Co U.S. GenWeb/Look-ups *** Montezuma Cemetery
NOTES: a) Ch.(3-): Three children mentioned but not named in book -of Father/Mother; b) For
wives: (birth name) (.husband's name); c) For Indians (tribe); d) [Portrait]; e) {Personal sketch}
However, main info may appear under a child!; f) & --firm name, under all names.
Errors will be corrected upon contact.
Note: Check alternate spellings...even the book was not always consistent!!
A | B | Bi | Br | C | Co | D | E | F | G | H | He | Ho | I | J | K | L | M | Me | Mo | N | O | P | Q | R |
Ro | S | Sho | St | T | U | V | W | Wh | X | Y | Z | Unknown | Bottom |
^Sac (tribe) {24}, 27, 77, 83, 84, 87, 92, 93, 195, 218, 319
~Mother 91
Safers, Permelia (.Baldwin) 839
Sanders, Mary A. (.Coley)
~Mary E. (.Spencer) 702
Sanderson, Alva C. 438
~Clara B. 438
~Elizabeth (.Landers) 581
~George W. 375, 438, 650
~Gilbert C. 438
~Jane (Williams) 438
~Linnie L. 438
~Mr. (coroner) 884
~Ollie (.McAtee) 436
~Orin R. 438
~ Reuben 436
~Rufus A. 438
~Sarah (Faris) 438
~William {438}
~Willy A. 438
Sanford, George H. 312, 313
Sannebeck, Caroline (Bolender) 642
~Conrad 643
~Ernest {642}
~Frank (Ger.) 642
~Frank (Meinhart's son) 642
~Henry 643
~M. (Bolender) 642
~Meinhart {642}, 643
~Sophia (-) 642
Santa Ana, General 119
Sapp, Daniel 784
~Jacob 730
~James 330
~John 725
~Nancy (-) 730
~Sarah (.Baughmon) 784
~Sarah (.Hemphill) 730
Sargent, Elizabeth (.Rogers) 697
~Hattie E. 465
~Harriet E. (Chandler) 465
~Martha 465
~Polly (Frost) 465
~William 465
~William O. 465
~William P. {465}
Sartain, Elizabeth (.James) 412
Sau-ga-nash (Wyandot) 66
Saunders, Wealthy M. (.Dean) 523
Sawyer, John York {386}, 394
Saxbury, Jane (.Judd) 846, 847
~Mr. (Jane's father) 847
~Mrs. (Jane's mother) (-) 847
Saxhorn, Matilda (Stanley) 836
~Potter 836
Saxton, N. W. 447
Saylor, Elizabeth (.Gates) 762
~John W. (Lieut.) 381
~William A. (Lieut.) 375
Scanland, C. S. (Wicks) 699
~Ch.(2-R./S.) 699
~Martesia (.Williams) 705
~R. C. (Capt.) {699}
~Reuben H. 881
~S. A. (Mudd) 699
~S. J. (Watson) 699
Schaffner, Henry "Tack" 337
Schaffnit, Charles {504}
~Ch.(3-Charles) 504
~Louisa (Yockey) 504
~Martin 504
~Mary (Lutz) 504
Schaub, Caroline (Feldner) 504
~Catharine B. (Bitz) 504
~D. D. {504}
~David 504
Scheiner, Anthony {329}, 330
Schemel, Anna J. 583
~Ch.(?-William) 583
~Emma M. 583
~George D. 583
~Ida E. 583
~Joseph A. 583
~Mary (Zimmerman) 583
~William {583}
~William A. 583
Schoff, Charles 886
Schwartz, Adolph (Capt.) 141
~Andrew 791
~Ch.(4-George) 791
~G. W. (Dr.) {792}
~George {791}, 792
~Mary (Gay) 791
~Mary (Shoemaker) 791
Scates, Walter B. 161
Schaub, Flora (.Wright) 512
Scholl, Abraham 227
~Boone 223
~Edward B. 876
~Mr. (early settler) 362
~William 627
Schutz, George 468
Schwer, Caroline (.Wagner) 510
Scobey, Anna M. 583
~Cicero {583}
~James 583
~Mary (Duff) 583
~Rhonda (-) 583
~William W. 583
Scoggin, Caroline (.Sowers) 466
Scott, Benjamin E. 422
~Catherine (.Elledge) 536
~Charles 876, 879
~Charles W. 422
~Ch.(2-John C.) 422
~David W. 422
~Emery 574
~Evans (Dr.) 592, {599}
~Francis 589
~Frank W. 422
~General 632
~George E. 422
~Granville 863
~Hannah (.Walker) 623
~James M. 422
~Jane (.Dinsmore) 592
~John 422, 536
~John C. {422}, 571
~Joseph L. 422
~L. D. (.Wills) 705
~Leonard G. 422
~Lyman 221, 782, 872
~Margaret J. 422
~Martha (Wilson) 422, 571
~Mary A. (Hobson) 422
~Mrs. Francis (-) 589
~Philmelia B. (.Garbutt, .Purkitt) 398, 694
~Sarah A. (.Hull) 863
~Winfield 881
Scranton, Andrew 621
~Cora Belle 608
~David 602, 607
~Family 604
~Hannah (.Harrington) 542
~John W. {607}, 608
~Lydia (.Dean) 533
~Mary E. (Bowman) 607, 608
~William Otis 608
Scull, William R. (Lieut.) 382
Scully, Mary (.Wheelan) 852
Seaborn, Ann Caroline 562
~Ann Eliza (Johnston) 495
~Caroline (Beckford) 561, 562
~Charles C. 562
~Ch.(3-W.) 643
~David R. 562
~Elizabeth 562
~Elizabeth (Rodgers) 561
~George 561, 562
~Henry C. 562
~Howard M. 562
~Mary A. (-) 643
~Mary Ann (Hovey, .Bryant) 562
~Robert [517], {561}, 562
~Robert Jr. 561, 562, 643
~Robert Sr. 561
~Sallie (Read) 643
~Thomas 495
~William H. 562, {643}
Sears, Mr. (representative) 884
Seeley, David (Col.) 212, 224, 321, 323, 680, 866, 876
~E.M. (Dr.) 201, 212, 357, 384, 916
~Eliza (.Hyde) 846
~James M. {201}, 212, 241, 259, 260, 308, 310, 321, 362, 385, 780, 781, 871, 872, 875, 876,
~Seeley, Lloyd & Co. 653
Seevers, Solomon 231, 446
Selby, Lydia (.Sheilds) 830
Selleck, Fred D. 934
Sellee, Emily C. (Willsey) 699
~Mary E. 699
~R. S. {699}
Sellers, Christina (.Pence) 702
~David 865
~Elkanah W. 855, {865}
~Jane (.Guss) 817
Sellon, Benjamin (Lieut.) {699}, 700
~Charles J. (Maj.) 220, 377, 903
~Charlotte Maria 700
~Harriet 700
~Harriet (-) 700
~John (Benjamin's son) 700
~John (Rev.) 220
~Mrs. Rev. John (.Bush) 220
~William G. 700
Sellsbery, Anna E. (Appleton) 670
~J. S. 670
Semple, James (Sen.) 161, {163}
Seniff, Delilah (.Dean) 532
~Jesse 308, 310
Sergeant, Aaron 671
~Henrietta E. (.Archer) 671
Settle, Levise (.Rouse) 869
Sever, John G. (Capt.) 381
~Mr (county judge) 884
Sewell, Delilah (.Moon) 828
Seybold, Ch.(9-Jasper) 622
~Elizabeth (.Gardner) 614
~Emiline (.Starkey) 644
~James 617, 622
~Jasper {622}
~Mary E. (Stauffer) 622
~Mary Olive (.Lake) 618
~Olive (Gaskill) 622
Seymour, H. 884
Shadel's Meat Market 653
Shaffner, C. C. 643
~Eliza 643
~Elizabeth (-) 643
~Henry {643}
~Jacob 643
~John 643
~John W. 643
~Louis 643
~Martha (Dunham) 643
~Mary J. 643
~Mr. (Barry-newspaper owner) 895
~Sarah A. 643
~Susanna (-) 643
~W. O. {643}
Shankland, Peter V. 308, 871, 881
Shannahan, John {330}
Shanton, Anna (Thompson) 721
~Ch.(4-W.) 721
~Elizabeth (Twiford) 721
~W. M. {721}
~William 721
Sharer, Sarah A. (.Taylor) 751
Sharp, Celia (.Bolin) 840
~Nancy M. (.Bolin) 840
~Thomas C. 882
Sharpe, A. P. 364, {562}, 563, 637
~Anna T. 563
~Charles F. 563
~Ch.(4-A.) 563
~Edwin H. 563
~Ellen (.Fisher) 563
~F. L. (Hutchins) 563
~Frederick L. 563
~Joseph K. 563
~Mary H. 563
Shastid, Elizabeth B. (Edwards) 507, 700
~Esther Anna (Kockill) 507
~John G. 507, 659, 700, 800
~Jon 479, {507}, 885
~Jon Shepherd 700
~Joseph Calvin 700
~Kockill & Shastid 507
~Louise M. (Hall) 700
~Mary F. (Edwards) 700
~Shastid & Cockill 475
~T. W. (Dr.) {700}
~Thomas Hall 700
~William Edwards 700
Shaw, A. B. (Bemiss) 792
~Aaron 166, 465
~Ada A. 465
~Ann (Clark) 549
~Ann C. (.Lynde) 552
~Anna M. (Barney) 793
~Annie (.Hamilton) 746
~Ch.(5-G. J.) 792
~Ch.(5-Henry) 792
~Ch.(8-John C.) 549
~Ch.(1-Lucien) 793
~Ch.(3-Lucien) 793
~Charles H. 792, 793
~Clarissa (.Barney) 574
~Comfort 385
~Daniel 747
~Daniel B. 465
~Elizabeth (.Hurt) 549
~Elizabeth (Town) 549
~Eva Myrtie 792
~Frank M. 465
~George J. 793
~George W. 669, 792, 793
~Gilbert J. {792}, 882
~H. (Rev.) 520
~H. O. {792}, 793
~Henry L. {792}
~James A. 465
~John "Black Prince" 197, 200, 239, 241, 247, 248, {250}, 251, 253-260, 263, 325, 363, 385,
563, 871, 910
~John (Noble's son) 465
~John C. 549
~Josiah 549
~Julia A. (Frane/Frame) 465
~Louella 465
~Lucian W. (Lieut.) 381, {793}
~Luther 792
~Marcia (Cadwell) 792
~Maria (Shaw, .Shaw) 793
~Martha (.Farrington) 788
~Mary 465
~Mary (Alexander) 563
~Mary (.Massie) 848
~Mary A. (Davis) 792
~Mr. (Bashaw of Hamburg) 366
~Nathan 258
~Nathaniel 241, 253, 385, 872
~Noble 447, {465}
~Persis (Colon) 792
~Phebe (Nardike) 465
~Sarah (Andrews) 792
~Sarah E. (.McClain) 747
~Shaw, Rupert, Adams & Chapman 654
~Solomon 792
~Sophia (Kennedy) 792
~Sophia (Kinney) 793
~Virgil 465
~Walter 792
~William {563}
~William T. 465
Shawnee (tribe) 27, 195
~Individual 34, 195
Shearer, Andrew 835, 849
~Catharine (-) 543
~D. J. (Dr.) 543
~Daniel 543
~Eddie B. 850
~Ellen 850
~Harriet (Parker) 849
~Jane (.Jackson, .Parker) 846
~Luther 850
~Nathaniel {849}, 850
~Rebecca (Berry) 850
~Susannah (.Harshman) 543
Sheeley, (Shelley/Shelly) Abel 223, 227, 357, 472, 513, 541,
~(Shelley) Ch.(8-Abel) 542
~(Shelley) Eliza J. (.Harrington) 541, 542
~(Shelley) Mary A. (Kenney, .Hollins) 541, 542
Shelby, Cynthia L. 734
~Frank L. 734
~Isaac {734}
~Isaac M. 734
~James 734
~Joseph 414
~Leah (Capps) 734
~Martin H. 734
~Orlando C. 734
~Samuel 734
~Samuel O. 734
~Sarah H. 734
~Walter S. 734
~William M. 734
Shelley, (Sheeley/Shelly) Abel 223, 227, 357, 472, 513, 541, 542
~(Sheeley) Ch.(8-Abel) 542
~(Sheeley) Eliza J. (.Harrington) 541, 542
~Joseph 740
~(Sheeley) Mary A. (Kenney, .Hollins) 541, 542
Shelly, (Shelley/Sheely) Abel 223, 227, 357, 472, 513, 541, 542
Shepard, Thomas J. 818
~Melissa (.Hancock) 818
~William 884, 885
Sheridan, Bridget (.McKanna) 721
~General 891
Sherman, F. T. (Col.) 139
~Maj. General {135}, 379, 502, 639, 808
Shelton, C. 507
~Elizabeth T. (.Smith) 507
Sherwin, John C. 170
Shets, Charlotte (Hamerton?, .Manton) 496, 691
Shewe, Alonzo {850}
~Caroline (Atkinson) 850
~Ch.(3-Alonzo) 850
~Ch.(4-S./Caroline) 850
~E. (Gillan) 850
~Eliza C. (.Brown) 843
~Ellen (Willis) 850
~Leona (Dunbar) 850
~Martin 850
~S. P. {850}
~Sarah (Baughman) 850
~Solomon 850
Shibley, W. N. (Capt ) 657
Shibley's Carriage Factory 654, 659
Shields, Auditor (Gen.) 124, {146}-149
~Bessie 830
~Ch.(?-G.) 830
~Emma J. (.Cobb) 631
~George W. {830}, 904, 905
~James (Sen.) 162, {163}
~Josie 830
~Lydia (Selby) 830
~Mabel 830
~Martha (Freeman) 830
~William M. P. 309, 313, 314, 374, 830
Shinn, Albion 701
~Amasa 344, 853
~Annie M. 563
~Asa 701
~Augusta 563
~Benjamin 200, 203, 700
~Charles B. 563
~Charles W. 563
~Charlotte E. (Fielding) 539, 563
~Ch.(4-James Sr.) 563
~Ch.(2-John B.) 563, 564
~Ch.(9-Samuel) 564
~Ch.(3-W. M.) 564
~Ch.(1-William) 701
~Clement 564
~Clement L. (Lieut.) 378
~Daniel (William's son) 701
~Daniel Jr. 701
~Daniel Sr. {199}, 200, 203-205, 240, 248, 256, 260, 263, 266, 385, 583, 610, 700, 701, 780,
~Della M. 563
~Edwin F. 563
~Eliza 200, 203, 700
~Elizabeth (.Gay) 701, 789
~Elizabeth (.Turnbaugh) 793
~Ellen 564
~Emma (.Clark) 857
~Eugenie 564
~Eva 564
~Eva L. 564
~Family 200
~Grace L. 563
~Hannah 200, 700
~Hannah Ann (.Helme, .Elder) 563, 684
~Henry 701
~Herbert S. 563
~Horace B. 563
~Isaiah 857
~Jacob 628
~James {563}, 564
~James Sr. 515, {563}, 684, 879, 881
~Jane 564
~Joab 627
~John (Daniel's son-Rev.?) 200, 203, 700
~John (of New Hartford) 716
~John (Rev.) 222, 227, 564, 879
~John (Samuel's father) 564
~John (Samuel's son) 564
~John B. {563}, 564
~John F. 563
~John S. 435, 564
~Joseph 564
~Kate (Glenn) 563
~Kate (.Stephens) 563
~Louise (Thackwray) 564
~Louise R. 564
~Lucy (Woolfolk) 701
~Lydia 701
~Mary (Daniel's daughter) 200, 700
~Mary (Samuel's daughter) 564
~Mary (William's daughter) 701
~Mary (Haskett) 200, 700, 701
~Mary (Smith) 563
~Mary A. (Jenkins) 550, 564
~Mary Ann (.Hooper) 638
~Mary B. 564
~Mary Jane (Lytle) 701
~Nancy 200, 701, 715
~Nellie (.Hall) 435
~Orlando 203
~Parvin {564}
~Phebe 200, 203, 700
~Ross 564
~Samuel L. 563, {564}
~Sarah (Evans) 564
~Schuyler 203
~Victoria P. 563
~William [695], {700} {701}
~William D. 701
~William M. {564}
Shipman, Eliza (.Davis) 843
~M. L. (.Conrad) 742
~Reuben 739
Shive, Martin V. 872, 886
^Shock, Amanda A. (.Grimes) 682
Shoemaker, Benjamin Taylor {507}
~Ch.(5-Benjamin/Mrs.) 507
~Daniel 507
~Ellen (Voorhees, .Felmley) 507
~Mary Ann (.Schwartz) 791
~Mrs. Benjamin (-) 507
Shornhart, Conrad {721}
~Harry 721
~John 721
~Margaret J. 721
~Mary 721
~Mary (Fisher) 721
~Sarah 721
~Willie 721
Shonwennekek (-) 257, {324}, 325
Shope, S. P. (Hon.) {390}
Shores, Abigail (.McClain) 553
Shrigley, N. E. (.Bickerdike) 574
Shriver, Emily (Loveless) 436
~F. L. 670
~Gano, Shriver & Elliott 680, 681
~Shriver Brothers 681
~James 436
Shuman, Andrew {161}
Shultz, Ch.(4-Solomon) 734
~Eliza 734
~Lovina (Taylor) 734
~Margaret 734
~Melissa Margaret (Thomas) 736
~Nathan R. 734
~Sarah J. 734
~Solomon {734}
~Thomas J. 734, 736
Sickles, Hiram F. (Col.) 140
Sidner, August Ann (.Woolsey) 752
~James 752
Sigsworth, Alice A. 643
~Ann (Coleman) 643, 774
~Ann Loretta 775
~Benjamin {774}, 775
~Benjamin Jr. 775
~Ch.(1-Benjamin) 775
~Dennis B. 643
~Elizabeth J. 643
~John {643}
~John A. 643
~John B. 775
~Joseph (Benjamin's son) 643, 774
~Joseph (Eng.) 775
~Joseph W. 643
~Lida A. 643
~Mary E. 643
~Sarah A. (Badgley) 774, 775
~Sarah M. (Brawley) 643
~Sierra Nevada 775
Sikes, Sarah (.Smith) 608
Silversparr, Axel (Capt.) 140
Silvernail, Alfred 691
~Lindsay & Silvernail 691
Simmons, Cephas [388], 500, 522, 554, 556, {564}, 565
~Ch.(4-Cephas) 565
~DeWitt C. (Lieut.) 378, 382, 564
~Edwin P. 447
~Elouisa B. (.Eastman) 536
~Enos 565
~Hattie (.McMahan) 554
~Julia (.Mure) 556
~Lucy (Bradbury) 554, 565
~Mary W. (Brakefield) 530
~Richard 565
~Sophia (-)
Simms, Josiah 446
Simpkin, Ann (.Hopkins) 546
~Mary (.Hitch) 545, 546
~Sarah (.Lasbury) 551
~Thomas 546, 551
Simpkins, Augustus 314, {701}-703, 872, 885
~Ch.(5-Augustus) 702
~Mr (murder victim) 339
~Nancy J. (Francis) 702
Simpson, Alexander 565
~Edward 565
~Isabella 565
~James 565
~John 565
~Llewella M. 565
~Margaret J. (.Elledge) 536, 565
~Mary 565
~Matthew 536, {565}
~Sarah 725
~Susan (Ward, .Pryor) 565
~Susannah (Orr) 565
~Thomas 565
Sinff, Jesse 432
~Minerva (Dempsey) 432
Singleton, General 115, 906
~James W. 170, 886
Sinklear, John 725
~Lydia 725
Sioux (tribe) 24
Sisler, Belle (.Murray) 865
Sittler, August 437
Sitton, Anna L. 734
~Annettie 438
~Ch.(2-James A.) 734
~Ch.(3-Joshua) 438
~Christiana (Huber) 734
~Cynthia (.Huber) 730
~Family 366
~Frankie G. 734
~George 730
~J. G. 734
~James A. {734}
~Jesse (Joshua's son) 438
~Jesse (Rev.) 438
~Jesse P. 734
~John F. 734
~John G. 312
~Joshua K. 380, 381, {438}
~Mary A. (-) 734
~Mary A. (Heavener) 438
~Mary E. 438
~Minnie S. 734
~Rose Ann (-) 730
~Samuel G. 223, 311, 312, 357, 872, 881, 882
~W. R. 734
~William B./P. (Lieut.) 375, 381
Skinner, O. C. (Hon.) {389}
Slack, Brig. General 380
Slade, Anna (Moore) 722
~Delilah (.Reynolds) 642
~Doctor 722
~J. N. {722}
~Mrs. Doctor (-) 722
Slaughter, Elizabeth (.Thomas) 735
Slay, Ann (.Lockwood) 847
Sleight, Ann G. 422
~Betsy G. 422
~Charles W. 565
~Eliza G. 422
~John G. Jr. 422, {565}
~John G. Sr. {422}, 425, 565
~Mary G. 422
~Mary Leah 565
~Miss (.Wilson) 422
~Rebecca (Walker) 422
~Rebecca G. 422
~Ruth (Reynolds) 565
~Sally G. 422
~Walker G. 422, {425}
Sloan, Thomas J. (Col.) 139
Sloe, Thomas C. 81
Smalley, Jesse 539
~Mary (Moore, .Ferguson) 539
Smart, Martha (.Culver) 591
~Samuel 591
Smiley, Ann (.Pratt) 869
~Benjamin 869
~David 869
~Eliza (Tophan) 869
~John 869
~Joseph 869
~Letitia (.Green) 869
~William {869}
Smith, A. A. 126
~Aberland 480
~Absalom 507
~Addison S. 447
~Alfred F. (Col.) 140
~Alta C. (Blair) 807, 830
~Amasa 608
~Ann J. (.Stump) 851
~Anna (.Battershell) 451
~Anna Maria (.Archer) 671
~Barton 735
~Butler & Smith 465
~Caroline (.Hoover) 458
~Charles 853
~Charles W. 608
~Ch.(4-J. A.) 702
~Ch.(?-Job) 728
~Ch.(2-John C.) 507
~Ch.(10-Thomas J.) 415
~Ch.(12-Valentine) 415
~Ch.(?-W. W.) 507
~Ch.(4-William E.) 608
~Ch.(2-William K.) 439
~Constantine 310-312
~Crandall & Smith 811, 830
~Daniel W. 608
~David A. {399}
~Delight (.Brower) 612
~Dora (Moore) 596
~Dudley C. (Col.) 140
~Ebenezer 241, 253, 256, 259, 260, 385, 871
~Eli R. (Capt.) 381, 495, 621
~Elizabeth (-) 735
~Elizabeth (Bowen, .Wilkins?) 511
~Elizabeth (.Colgrove) 858
~Elizabeth (Kendrick) 439
~Elizabeth (Nair) 507
~Elizabeth R. (Shelton) 507
~Ella V. 507
~Ellen (.Gordon) 541
~Ellen F. 608
~Elmira (.Hurt) 549
~Emma (.Capbell) 482
~Emma (.Leahr) 413
~Eugene {830}, [907]
~Frances A. (Brown) 507
~Gabriel 507
~George L. 830
~George M. 507
~George P. (Col.) 139
~George W. 161, 652, 801, 807, 891, {830}, {892}, 893, 895
~Gustavus A. (Col.) 138, 140
~H. E. 793
~Harriet A. (Butler) 439
~Harvey D 507
~Hattie (Breslar) 850
~Helen (Bonnel) 830
~Henry 850
~Hiram 108, 109, {793}, 838
~Ida 830
~J. A. {702}
~J. E. 479
~J. F. 725
~J. J. {830}, 831
~J. T. 479
~James 830
~James K. (Lieut.) 381, 382, 801
~James W. 439
~James W. H. 793
~James Y. 831
~Joanna I. 439
~Job 728
~John 541
~John C. {507}
~John E. (Col.) 138
~John M. 248, 260, 263, 781
~John N. {608}
~John W. {850}
~Jonas 671
~Joseph P. {105}-109, 311
~Judith V. (.Landers) 439
~Kirby 380
~L. H. (Allen) 702
~Laura M. 608
~Lauretta 725
~Leslie 702
~Lucinda (Kendrick) 439
~Lucinda (.Whittaker) 511
~Lucinda K. 447, 448
~Lucy A. (-) 480
~Lucy H. (.Grammer)
~Margaret (.Ham) 489
~Margaret T. (Montgomery) 415
~Martha (Thrasher) 415
~Martha A. (.Thurman) 467
~Martha C. (.Bagby) 439
~Mary (of Pleas. H.--Mary E.?) 725
~Mary (-) 415
~Mary (.Boren) 452
~Mary (Clair) 850
~Mary (Dinsmore) 702
~Mary (.Hosford) 845
~Mary (.Shinn) 563
~Mary E. (.Davison) 858, 861
~Mary E. (Dodge) 735
~Mary Elizabeth (.Beavers) 480
~Mary H. 439
~Mary J. 608
~Mary J. (Baker) {438}, 439
~Matilda (.Kelsey) 412
~Mercy A. 608
~Mr. (of Bee Creek) 471
~Mr. (elder) 725
~Mrs. Hiram (-) 793
~Nancy (Blake, .Stackpole) {439}
~Nancy (.Hess) 456
~Nathaniel (NY) 830
~Nathaniel (OH) 429, 439
~Nicholas W. 415
~Patience (Keer, .Wells, .McElfresh) 728
~Peter 511
~Polly (Allison) 608
~Rachel (.Hyde) 846
~Richard D. 439
~Richard R. 439
~Robert 165, 166
~Robert F./A. (Col.) 138, 376
~Samuel 653, 669
~Samuel H. 608
~Sarah (-) 830
~Sarah (.McAtee) 826
~Sarah (Sikes) 608
~Sarah (.Tamsett) 851
~Sarah (Tunnel) 507
~Sarah A. (.Williams) 466
~Sarah E. (Creigmiles) 608
~Sarah F. (Crumpton) 831
~Sarah J. (.Armstrong) 439
~Smith, Davis & Brown 830
~Smith & Hobbs 411, 415
~Smith & Sonner 589
~Solomon 385
~Susan E. (-) 415
~Susan J. (.Kinman) 439
~Sylvania (Sweet) 830
~T. W. (Hon.) {146}, 147
~Thaddeus {735}
~Thomas 711
~Thomas T. 608
~Thomas J. {415}
~Valentine {415}
~Vincent 415
~W. B. (Col.) 52
~W. T. 318
~W. W. {507}, 508
~William (of Scott Co.) 467
~William (William E.'s son) 608
~William E./C. 311-313, 372, {608} 725, 883
~William K. {439}
~William S. 439, {465}
Smitherman, Ch.(5-L.) 465
~Inez 466
~L. J. 309, 313, 314, 374, {465}, 466, 872, 884
~Louisa (Lester) 465
~Mayo 466
~Miriel (Brown) 465, 466
~Otis 466
~William 465
Smithers, Amanda F. (.Hoover) 457
~Margaret Jane (.Morse) 791
Smithson, Emily A. (.Hill) 845
Snapp, Henry 169
Snell, Thomas (Col.) 139
Snider, Catharine (-) 508
~Ch.(4-John) 508
~Henry 508
~John Jacob {508}
~Maria (Herche) 508
Snow, Deacon 781
~George 863
~Marietta B. (Stuitevan, .Johnson) 863
Snyder, Adam W. 101
~Elizabeth D. (.Cravens) 431
~Rebecca (.Loveless) 435
Sonner, Anthony 589, {599}
~Brady 599
~Charley 599
~Ch.(3-Anthony) 599
~Jacob 599
~Ora 599
~Sarah (Hicks) 599
~Smith & Sooner 589
Soules, Newton 326
Sowers, Amanda 466
~Ann (Potter) 466
~Archey 466
~Benton 466
~Caroline (Scoggin) 466
~Edward 466
~Elisha {466}
~Francis 466
~Gusty 466
~Henry (Elisha's father) 466
~Henry (Elisha's son) 466
~John H. 466
~Mary (Nicolay) 466
~Mary 466
~Melissa 466
~Oliver {466}
~Thomas A. 466
~William W. 466
Spalding, Mr. (author) 105
Span, Emily (.Johnson) 594
~Rebecca (.Miller) 790
Sparks, W. A. J. 170
Spence, Margaret (.Wade) 569
~Robert 569
Spencer, Abgora 702
~Abner F./T. (Dr.) 381, {702}
~Abner F. Jr. 702
~Elizabeth P. 702
~Emeline 447
~Frank (Abner's son) 702
~Frank (blacksmith) 653
~Isaac (Abner's father) 702
~Isaac (Abner's son) 702
~James S. 702
~Lewis L. 702
~Martha B. 702
~Mary E. (.Cox) 702
~Mary E. (Sanders) 702
~Rhoda (Beadsley) 702
~S. M. 909
Sperry, Bessie 865
~Charlotte (.Pursley) 774
~Cora 865
~James W. {865}
~John 865
~Johnnie N. 865
~Nancy A. (.Thompson) 867
~Nancy L. (Corey) 865
~Otis O. 865
~Sarah (.Hull, .Whitaker) 863
Sprague, Charles C. (Dr.) {865}, 866
~Ch.(?-Charles) 866
~James 203
~Justin L. 866
~Laura (of Altas) 203
~Laura (of Kinderhook) 866
~Mary M. (.Hull) (863)
~Nancy 203
~Seamon (Deacon) 855, 863
~William 200
Springer, Patience (.Davis) 843
~William M. 170
^St. Clair, Arthur (Maj. Gen.) [58a], {59}, 247
St. John, Abbie J. (.Foot) 576
~DeWitt 239
~John P. 180
~H. 872, 882
~Richard 312
~Stephen 872, 879
St. Traine, Charles D. 265
Staats, Anna (King)
~Ch.(5-William) 565
~Edward L. {565}
~Eugene A. 565
~Inez G. 565
~Maria (Edmondson) 565
~Mrs. William (-) 565
~Olin C. 565
~Peter C. 328
~Peter T. {403}, {565}
~William 565
Stackpole, George (Capt.) 439
~Nancy (Blake, .Smith) 439
Stagg, Angeline (.Weeks) 583
Stafford, Thomas {399}
Staira, Catherine (.Wallace) 852
Standwaite, Brig. General 380
Stanford, J. R. 531
~Joshua R. 515, 550
~Sarah (.Allen) 523
Stanley, Andrew J. 836
~Matilda (.Saxhorn) 836
Stanton, David A. 312, 313, 371, 659
~Secretary 137
Stapleton, Thomas {338}
Stapp, I. T. B. 162
Stark, James 539
~Jennie N. (.Ferguson) 539
~John P. 310, 602, 603, 605
~Martha 539
~Rebecca E. (.Harpole) 605
Starkey, Annie (Gray) 643
~Annie (Stodgress) 643, 644
~Charles 644
~Ch.(1-David) 643
~Ch.(1-Jonathan/Jane) 644
~Cora Harry 644
~David {643}
~Elizabeth (-) 643
~Emiline (Seybold) 644
~Henry A. {643}, 644
~James 643, 644
~James Anderson 644
~Jane L. (Laughtery) 643, 644
~John (Johathan's father) 644
~John (Jonathan's son) 644
~Jonathan 643, {644} [646]
~Maria 644
~Mary 644
~Mary (Groves) 644
~Nicholas 644
~Olive 644
~Rachel 644
~Sarah (Carothers) 644
~William {644}
Starne, Alexander 161, 222, 871, 879, 880, 883, 904, 906
Starr, Mr. (attorney) {399}
~W. H. (Rev.) 521
~Zerilda (.Yokem) 795
Starring, Frederick A. (Col.) 139
States, Alice (.Patten) 748
Stathen, Priscilla (.Franklin) 454
Stauffer, George E. 647
~Jacob E. (Lieut.) 381, 382
~John 647
~Mary E. (.Seybold) 622
~Nelia A. 647
~Rachel E. (Wood) 647
~Sarah (-) 647
~William H. {647}
Stead, John 515
Steadman, Alfred B. 866
~Almira E. (.Jones) 863, 864, 866
~Fatha (Beach) 866
~Hannah M. 866
~Joshua 866
~Maria A. (Beisel) 866
~Peter R. 866
~Revilo B. 863, 864, {866}
Stearnes, P.C. 884
Stebbins, Maria (.Grabael) 719
Steele, Catharine (Mull) 508
~Ch.(7-George) 508
~General 380
~George W. {508}
~James (Capt.) 140
~L. J. 508
~Sarah (Walker) 508
Steers, Blain & Steers 854
~William 224, 371, 669, 871, 883, 884, 904
Steinbeck, Andrew (Capt.) 141
Steinhauer, W. (Capt.) 661
Stennett, Charlotta (.Appleton) 670
Stephenson, Ch.(9-J.) 850
~Colonel 88
~F. D. (Col.) 140
~J. W. {850}
~James 850
~Margaret (Clinton) 850
~Mary Eliza (Allen) 850
Stephens, Elijah 437
~Lizzie (.Neeley) 437
~Hannah (Shinn) 563
Stephenson, Ann (.Dixon) 484
Sterne, John W. 267
Stetson, H. L. 519
Stevens, Abraham {328}
~Austin {328}
~Bradford N. 169
~Harriet (.Grubb) 817
Stevenson, Adlai E. 170
~Ch.(1-Ira) 622
~Ira W. {622}
~Jennie (Glines) 622
~John 622
~Mary Ann (Wilson) 622
~Nellie May 622
Steward, Lewis 886
Stewart, Alphonso {145}
~Benjamin 466
~Ch.(?-Benjamin) 466
~Emma B. 466
~George D. (Capt.) 376, 377
~James {508}
~Jane (Williams) {466}
~John 461
~(Stuart) John T. (Hon.) 165, 169, {399}, 874, 876, 879
~Julia A. 466
~K. (Arnott) 508
~Kate (.Kennedy) 461
~Martha Jane (Newton) 508
~Mary (.Hoover) 457
~Mrs. James (-) 508
~Nancy (.Hinman) 493
~Peter 508
~Philadelphia G. 466
~Sarah (.Stowe) 508
~Sarah B. 466
~Stewart, Edwards & Brown 399
~Talmar (Hancock) 508
~Thompson W. 466
~Warren (Col.) 140
~William L. 466
Stiles, Francis 492
~Mary 492
~Hannah (.Hinman) 492
~Sarah (.Winans) 710
Stillman, Major {87}, 88
Stipp, John 325
Stobie, George W. (Capt.) 377
~James F. (Lieut.) 381
Stockton, James {325}
Stoddard, Zebulon B. (Lieut.) 381, 801
Stodgress, Annie (.Starkey) 643, 644
Stokes, Henry S. 377
~James S. (Capt.) 131, 141
Stolbrand, Charles J. (Capt.) 141
Stone, Calvin R. 798
~J. M. 181
~L. H. 311, 313
~Mary (.Windmiller) 609
~Stone, Field & Marks 798
Stoner, Alice 566
~Ann Eliza (Whitaker) 566, 571
~David 318
~E. R. (Dr.) {565}, 566, 571
~Mr. (E.'s father) 565
~Ellen 439
~Ellen (.Croft) 453
~Emma W. 566
~Fannie 440
~Frederick 439
~Harriott/Harriet (Ellis) 439, 440
~James {439}, 440
~James Jr. 440
~Mary A. (Croft) 439
~Mrs. (E.'s mother) (-) 565
~Philip 881
~Stanley 566
~Thomas 439
Stookey, Simon J. (Capt.) 140
Stout, Aaron 775
~Amos {851}
~Andrew W. 775
~Annette (.Pennington) 694
~Caroline (.Taylor) 776
~Ch.(4-Amos) 851
~Ijel 770, 851
~John {775}
~Julia A. 775
~Julia Ann (Briant) 770, 851
~Kate (Hall) 851
~Mariah (.Miller) 770
~Mary 775
~Nancy (Hoskin) 775
~Oren 775
~Otis 775
~William H. (Capt.) {330}
Stover, A. P. (Rev.) 521
~David 532
~Harriet M. (Dean) 532
Stowe, Ann (Prindle) 508
~Ch.(2-Ransom/Ann) 508
~David 508
~Israel F. 508
~Ransom {508}
~Sally (Palmer) 508
~Sarah (Stewart) 508
Stratton, Catharine S. (.Wilson) 512
~Charles 806, 853, 871, 876, 879, 880
~James 853
Strauss, August 622
~Brothers 703
~Ch.(6-Frederick) 623
~Denia (Hake) 623
~Emanuel 703
~Frederick {622}, 623
~Henry D. 623
~Jacob {703}
~Minnie (Herman) 703
~Samuel 703
~Sarah (Harter) {622}
~Wihelmina (Baul) 623
Strawn, Ch.(2-Creed) 440
~Creed {440}
~Edmund 432, 440
~Hale & Strawn 556
~Helen (Ownby) 440
~Permelia (.Douglas) 432
Street, General 92
~Green 272
Stringham, Peter K. 573, 574
Strubinger, Burt F. 775
~Ch.(4-M.) 831
~Ch.(1-Thomas) 775
~Cora C. 775
~Edwin Thomas 775
~Elizabeth 775
~F. {702}, 703
~Harriet 775
~Henry J. 775
~Henry W. 775
~John O. 775
~Joseph 775, 831
~Joseph. H. [316], 761, {775}, 776
~Lillie J. 775
~Lucy C. (Pryor) 775
~M. {831}
~Mary (Joseph H.'s daughter) 775
~Mary (Thomas' daughter) 775
~Mary (Clark) 775, 831
~Mary A. (.Evans) 761
~Mary E. 775
~Mary H. (Chamberlain) 831
~Michael 775
~Sarah A. (Hogan) 775
~Thomas Clark {775}, 776
~Tillie M. 775
~William A. 775
Strong, W. H. 668
~William 476
Strother, B. L.895
~B. V. (House) 894
~Cora A.895
~F. K. {894}, 895
~F. T. 895
~Geneva A.895
~Homolea 895
~S. K. 895
Stuart, David (Col.) 138
~Elias (Col.) 138
~(Stewart) John T. (Hon.) 165, 169, {399}, 874, 876, 879
~Sarah B. 447
Stubinger, Magdalene (.Wildin) 704
Stueck, Elizabeth (.Wills) 706
Stults, Eunice A. (.Hoover) 456
~William 448
Stump, Ann J. (Smith) 851
~Ch.(4-Nicholas) 851
~George 851
~Mary (Risher) 851
~Nicholas {851}
Stuitevan, Mary B. (.Snow, .Johnson) 863
Sullivan, Cornelius 311
~P. H. 318
Summers, Ewing 929
Sutliff, Sophia (.Brooks) 481
Sutphin, H. K. (Hon.) 874
~Hugh L. (Dr.) 475, 880-882
Sutton, Ch.(9-S.) 735
~Elizabeth A. (-) 735
~James (of Pleas. H.) 735
~James (of Springfield) 694
~Maggie (.Pennington) 694
~Martha J. (Cruise) 735
~S. F. {735}
Swakyer, Maria (.Johnston) 495
Sweat, Benjamin 239
Sweeney, Mr. (state's attorney) 884
Sweet, Della M. 866
~Eddie E. 866
~Ira 751, 866
~Ira A. {751}, [917]
~Jane A. 866
~Martha (Hewitt) 751
~Mary A. 866
~Mary A. (.Bridge) 856
~May (.Clark) 759, 780
~Mr. (merchant) 825
~Phoebe (.Tankersley) 466
~Rebecca (Hull) 863, 866
~Rensellaer 855, {866}
~Roscoe A. 866
~Sarah (Hadsell) 751
~Sweet & Mallory 825
~Sylvania (.Smith) 830
Sweeting, Ch.(11-Richard) 508, 509
~Dorotha (Marshall) 508
~Hannah T. (.Thackwray) 425, 564
~Jonathan 508
~Mary (Norfolk) 508
~Richard 418, {508}, 509, 564
Sweetland, Daniel 258
Swerer, Nancy (.Hornback) 765
Swering, Virginia (.Hayden) 456
Swiggert, Nathan 627
Shinn: (compiled from several pages)
1) Daniel & two brothers (John & ?) original immigrants
1) Daniel {700} (portrait states William!)
~13 children inc:
~~~~2) William {701}
~~~~2) John (Rev?)
~~~~2) Eliza (Elizabeth {763}?)
1) John
~~~~2) Samuel L. {564}
~~~~~~16 children inc:
~~~~~~~~~~3) James {563}
~~~~~3 children
father uncertain--John Sr.?
~~~~?) John S.
~~~~~~2 named children inc:
~~~~~~~~~~3) Parvin {564}
?) James {563}
~10 children inc.
~~~~2) John B. {563}
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