The Comprehensive Index to

History of Pike County Illinois

Charles C. Chapman & Co., Chicago. 1880
Holly Ann Burt 1999, 2000

Holly's Homepage/PikeCo page *** Pike Co U.S. GenWeb/Look-ups *** Montezuma Cemetery

NOTE: To go directly to the webpage containing the actual book, enter
where the ### is your page number. Happy Hunting.

NOTES: a) Ch.(3-): Three children mentioned but not named in book -of Father/Mother; b) For wives: (birth name) (.husband's name); c) For Indians (tribe); d) [Portrait]; e) {Personal sketch} However, main info may appear under a child!; f) & --firm name, under all names.
Errors will be corrected upon contact.

Note: Check alternate spellings...even the book was not always consistent!!
A | B | Bi | Br | C | Co | D | E | F | G | H | He | Ho | I | J | K | L | M | Me | Mo | N | O | P | Q | R | Ro | S | Sho | St | T | U | V | W | Wh | X | Y | Z | Unknown | Bottom |

^Fagin, Ch.(3-S.) 489
~George 486
~Julia (Hahn) 486
~Mary (Matthews) 486, 489
~S. D. 476, {486}, 489

Fairbanks, H. 185

Fantz, William 854

Faris, Eli 872, 883, 884
~J. M. 448, 900
~Sarah (.Sanderson) 438

Farmer, Ch.(1-Jacob) 762
~Cora 762
~Eliza (Nichols) 816
~Eliza B. 816
~George L. 816
~Hannah (Frazer) 816
~Jacob C. {762}, 816
~James F. 816
~John 762, {816}
~John T. 816
~Joshua N. 816
~Lucy E. 816
~Mary (McClosky) 762
~Mary J. 816
~Samuel 816
~Samuel D. 816
~Sarah A. 816
~William 740

Farnsworth, John F. (Col.) 140, 166, 169

Farr, Constable 204

Farra, Elizabeth (.Dugdell) 454

Farrand, E. G. 539
~Elizabeth J. (McWilliams) 539
~Frederick H.{539}
~Harvey L. 539
~James A. 515, 539
~M. K. 539

Farrington, Ch.(9-D.) 788
~D. H. 788
~J. H. 318, {788}
~James 876
~Jeannette (Farrington) 788
~Lewis 886
~Martha (Shaw) 788
~Solomon 445, 447, 876
~Thomas Virgil 788

Farris, Eli 872

Farthing, Edward 434
~Mary E. (.French) 434

Farwell, Charles B. 169, 170

Fee, James W. (Capt.) 381, 382, 501

Feldner, Caroline (.Schaub) 504

Felmly, Ch.(1-Mr.) 507
~David 507
~Ellen (Voorhees, .Shoemaker) 507
~Mr. (Ellen's Husband) 507

Fenton, Rigdon C. 254, 257, 260, 872

Ferguson, Albert P. 539
~Ann Eliza (Dodge) {788}
~Anna E. (.Pollock) 607
~C. F. (.Lewis) 551
~David 539
~David A. 539
~Edward C. 539
~Ella (Hitch) 539
~James H. {788}
~James H. Sr. 788, 872, 880-883
~Jennie N. (Stark) 539
~Joseph A. {539}
~Margaret (-) 539
~Margaret J. (.Murray) 539
~Mr. (James Sr.'s father) 788
~Thomas 253
~William J. 539

Ferguson's Ferry 256

Ferry, James M. 313
~Louisa (.Jackson) 846

Fesler, Adelpha 762
~Emma E. 762
~Eveline (.Kendall) 847
~Henry A. 754, 755, {762}
~Jacob (Henry's father) {762}, 777
~Jacob (Henry's son) 762
~Jane Ann (.Tittsworth) 762, 777
~John R. 762
~Lela May 762
~Mary (Phoeus) 762
~Robert 762
~Rosa 762
~Sarah C. 762
~Zerilda (Lyons) 762

Field, Albert 429, 653
~Ebner 161
~Stone, Field & Marks 798

Fielding, Albert 539
~Atlanta 521
~Charlotte (Miller) 539
~Charlotte (.Shinn) 539, 563
~Clara 539
~Daniel 539
~David {539}
~Fannie 539
~Henrietta 539
~Jeremiah 539
~Jesse 521, 539
~Maria 539
~Maria J. (.Gardner) 540
~Mary 539
~Mary (Moore, .Smalley) 539

Fiester, Mary A. (Lynde) 552
~Samuel L. 552

Fike, James 416
~John 416

Filer, Mr (early settler) 218

Filmore/Fillmore, Millard (Pres.) 688, 875, 882

Filson, Leander 535
~Sarah A. (.Dunham) 535

Findley, Eliza J. (.Newhouse) 556

Fine, Christina (-, .Clutch) 857
~William Isaac 857

Finklin, Orlando B. 165, 166

Fishell, Albert 669

Fish, Robert 637
~Susan (-) 637
~William H. (Dr.) {637}

Fisher, Adeline (.Temple) 776
~Adolph 683
~Daniel 311, 629
~Ellen (Sharpe) 563
~ Emeline (Yates) 712
~H. L. (.Andrews) 630
~J. W. 712
~Mary (.Shornhart) 721
~Susannah (.Jenkins) 550

Fisk, B. F. 670
~Betsey E. (Cobbs) 637
~Charles B. {637}
~Ch.(2-Charles B.) 637
~Eleazer 637
~Lucy (-) 637

Fitch, Anna 899
~Charles S. 899
~Ch.(2-Simeon/Eliza) 899
~Ch.(1-Simeon/Lucinda) 899
~Edward E. 899
~Eliza (Kerr) 899
~Ella (.Myers) 899
~Lucinda A. (Piper) 899
~Mary 899
~Owen L. 899
~Samuel 899
~Simeon 896, {899}

Fitzpatrick, Bartholomew 861
~Charlie 861
~Emily (Woolum) 861
~Eugene 861
~Josephine 861
~Laura Ann 861
~Mary A. (.Gaines) 862
~Mr. (Thomas' father) 861
~Mrs. (Thomas' mother) (-) 861
~Thomas Jr. 861
~Thomas {861}, 862

Flannagan, Sarah (.McLaughlin) 619

Fletcher, A. H. (Rev.) 783
~Fletcher & Huckaborn 654
~G. E. {592}
~John H. 592
~Mary E. 592
~Mr. (G.'s father) 592
~Mrs. G. (1-2) (-) 592
~Mrs. (G's mother) (-) 592
~Sarah O. 592

Flinn, (Flynn) Bernard W. 317, 318, {433}, 872, 886
~Charles 433
~Ch.(3-Bernard) 433
~Cornelia 433
~Esley (.Dimmitt) 433
~James 433
~John 433
~Lewis H. 433
~Sarah (Brownell) 433
~Thomas 885

Flood, Major 110
~William G. 876

Floyd, Mr. (soldier?) 131

Folly, Rebecca (.French) 454, 455

Foltz, Mary (.Guss) 817

Fonda, John G. (Col.) 139

Foot, Abbie J. (St. John) 576, 579
~Almira C. 579
~Amelia M. 579
~Ch.(2-George) 579
~Edward N. 579
~George D. 270, {576}, 579, 594
~Henry 579
~Ida M. 579
~James P. 579
~Jane 579
~John 579
~Josiah C. 579
~Lydia S. (.Main) 579, 594
~May A. 579
~P. (.Kellogg) 690
~Talmadge O. 579

Ford, Charles J. {744}
~Ch.(3-Charles) 744
~Cynthia A. (.Hancock) 818
~Daniel 248
~Elisha N. 337
~Keziah (Cunningham) 744
~Mary P. (.Bemis) 451
~Mr. (author) 153
~Peter B. {337}
~Thomas H. (Gov./Hon.) 75, 82, 102, 108, 109, {158}, {390}, 391, 519, 879

Foreman, Annie 434
~Araminta J. 454
~Ch.(5-Nicholas) 579
~David (of Milton) {454}
~David (Martha's father) 580, 581
~David (Nicholas' father) 579
~Edwin 434
~Erastus 884
~Henry L. 454
~Jacob 454
~Jacob H. 454
~James 433
~James F. 434
~James W. 434
~Jane (-) 434
~John H. 454
~Julia (Goldman) 434
~Margaret (Briggs) 454
~Margaret R. 454
~Martha (.Kiser) 580, 581
~Mary J. (Goldman) 434
~Milton A. 454
~Nancy (Russell) 454
~Nancy (Williams) 579
~Nellie 434
~Nicholas {579}
~Norton {433}, 434, 773
~Phoebe N. (Long) 454
~Sarah E. (Bond) 434
~Sarah M. 454
~Taylor 434
~Townsend {434}
~William 434

Forest, General 420

Forquer/Forquier, George (Hon.) 161, 390, 875

Forsythe, Albert P. 170

Fort, Greenbury L. 170

Fortune, Ch.(4-H.) 728
~E. I. (Dougherty) 728
~H. D. (Dr.) {728}
~Mary (-) 728
~R. C. 728

Foster, Daniel 574
~Eleanor (.Bliven) 808

Fouke, Philip B. (Col.) 138, 166

Fowler, Benjamin 762
~Bloomer {762}
~Fowler & Son 608
~Francis 317
~Henry A. {339}
~Mary (Gordon) 762
~Sarah A. (.Griffin) 541
~William 317, 318

Fox (tribe) {24}, 27, 77, 83, 87, 92, 93, 195, 218, 319

Fox, America (.Lemmon) 640
~Chas. H. (Col.) 139
~Jane (.Dorsey) 485
~Mary (.Morse) 791

Francis, Elmira (.Taylor) 509
~I, King Francis 183
~Jennette (.James) 689
~Nancy J. (.Simpkins) 702

Frane/Frame, Julia A. (.Shaw) 465

Frank, "Free" (see McWorter)

Franklin, A. (Capt.) 140
~Augustus 454
~Benjamin 284
~Cora H. 454
~Eliza 203
~Ebenezer 192, {199}, 200, 203-206, 240, 256, 364, 385, 445, 454, 610, 611, 617, 780, 781
~Family 202
~Fred E. 454
~Frederick 203, 364, 445, 446, 454
~J. H. 942
~Mr. (drowned) 204, 205
~Priscilla (Stathen) 454
~Taylor B. {454}
~William 454

Frazier, Hannah (.Farmer) 816
~R. F. 883, 892

Fred, Mary (.Kirgan) 495, 617

Freeman, Clara (.Hayden) 845
~D. L. 883
~Elizabeth (.Hornback) 764
~Flora M. 728
~Harriet A. (Barton) 728
~I. S. 419
~Ida A. 728
~Martha (.Shields) 830
~Mr. (of Perry) 475
~Stephen F. 728
~William S. 716, {728}

Fremont, Mr. (explorer) 178
~John C. 875, 882

French, Annie 434
~Augustus C. (Gov.) {158}, 159, 187, 880
~Augustus H. 455
~Caroline C. (Madden) 434
~Ch.(5-Paul) 434
~Edward 434
~Edward N. 305, 312, 313, 449, {454}, 455, 916
~Eliza (Morton, .Leary) 464, 607
~Emily (Long) 455
~Frances (Thackston) 434
~Frances E. (.Daniels) 453
~George H. 305, 454, 455
~George N. 434
~Hannah 475
~Harriet (Hoyt) 540
~Harrison C. (Sgt.) {455}
~Henry C. 434
~Herbert 455
~Isaac 454, 455
~Jacob 434
~James E. {434}
~Jesse 659
~John 453
~Lefie A. 455
~Lizzie (.Barnhart) 540
~Marietta (McEvers) 434
~Martha 607
~Mary A. 454
~Mary E. (Farthing) 434
~Mary W. 540
~Nancy J. 434
~Nancy J. (.Henry) 593, 594
~Nathan {539}, 540
~Nellie 455
~Noel E. 454
~Orra J. 455
~Paul P. {434}
~Rebecca (Folly) 454, 455
~Ruth 455
~Sarah (Hoover) 454
~Walter 455
~William 607
~William A. 434
~William H. 540
~William P. 434
~William O. 455

Fribley, Nancy (-, .Biggs) 525

Friedly, Sarah (.Pfrimmer) 849

Frier, James 740

Frits, H. T. 552
~Sarah J. (Lynde) 552

Frontenac, Count 39

Frost, Martha (.Bemis) 451
~Polly (.Sargent) 465
~Mr. (senatorial candidate) 885

Fry, Jacob (Col.) 138
~Susan (.Reynolds) 437

Frye, Alta 540
~Charles F. 561
~Ellen J. (.Wilson) 608
~Eva Lee 540
~Francis 317, {540}, 552, 788
~Harrison 608
~John W. 540
~Jonathon (of Detroit) 311-313, 373, 880
~Jonathan (miller in Griggs.) 224, 428, 500, 522, 540, 654
~Jonathon L. 224, 871, 885
~Lora E. 540
~Martha (.Hagar, .Rounds) 561
~Mary L. (Griffin) 540
~Matilda (-) 608
~William 385
~William E. 540

Frye's Mill 522, 540, 552, 589

Fulcher, Samuel 468

Fuller, Aaron {592}
~Ch.(3-Aaron) 592
~Clara M. 592
~Elizabeth (Oaks) 592
~Ida H. 592
~Joseph 420
~Lillie 592
~Mary E. 592

Fullerton, H. 883

Funkhouser, Isaac 778
~Nancy J. (.Williams) 778
~J. J. (Col.) 139

Furguson, Catherine (-) 728
~Edward, 728
~Elizabeth (.Eddins) 728

Furniss, Ella 801
~Lizzie 801

Furrey, Joseph R. 380, 381

Furry, Ch.(11-James) 637
~Christopher 590, 637
~Elizabeth Ann (Patton) 637
~James M. {637}
~Mary (Edward) 637
~S. A. (.Barney) 590

^Gaine, John L. 311

Gaines, Ch.(4-Samuel/Mrs.) 862
~Ebenezer 861, 862
~Edmund P. (Gen.) 84, 319
~Edward N. 862
~Lorinda A. 862
~Lydia A. 862
~Margaret M. (Twaddle) 862
~Mary A. (Fitzpatrick) 862
~Mary E. 862
~Minnie M. 862
~Mrs. Ebenezer (-) 862
~Mrs. Samuel (-) 862
~Samuel B. 311, 855, {861}, 862
~Sylbester S. 862

Gale, Elizabeth (Garrison) 446
~James M. 377
~Joseph 446

Gallaher, Charles J. 890
~Harry 890
~James 705, 889, {890}, 891
~Lizzie (McHugh) 890
~Lizzie M. 890
~Margaret C. (.Williams) 705, 890

Galloway, A. L. 318
~Bales H. 729
~Family 366
~Ida E. 729
~J. B. 738
~James 728
~James D. 729
~Joseph B. {728}, 729
~Joseph F. 729
~Lydia A. 729
~Mary E. 729
~Mary E. (.Zerenberg) 738
~Nellie Grant 729
~S. Margaret 729
~Samuel 729
~Sarah (Jennings) 729
~Sarah A. 729
~Tabitha E. 729
~Thomas S. 729
~William 729
~William H. 729
~Zorobabel 729

Gamage, William (Rev.) 629, 630

Gano, Gano & Shriver Brothers 681
~Gano, Shriver, & Elliott 680, {681}

Gant, Monte 340

Garbutt, Garbutt & Abbott 652
~Phimelia B. (Scott, .Purkitt) 398, 694
~Zachariah N. {397}, 398, 879, 880, 889

Gard, Alonzo 796, {816}
~Ch.(4-Cicero) 844
~Ch.(7-Lorenzo) 844
~Cicero {844}
~Clarissa (Baker) 816, 844
~Ellen 816
~Ellen (Phillips) 844
~Lorenzo {844}
~Lucy 816
~Lydia (Halstead) 844
~Margaret (Putnam) 844
~Margaret (Yearly) 844
~Mary (.Dodge) 760
~Mary J. (Yearly) 816
~Michael 796, 801, 816, 844
~Mr. (murder victim) 328
~Robert 844
~Sally 816
~Seth {844}

Gardner, Anna (Parker) 489
~Caroline (Hutchinson) 520, 540
~Ch.(8-Levi) 614
~Ch.(4-Peleg/Caroline) 540
~Elizabeth (Powell) 489
~Elizabeth (Seybold) 614
~Elizabeth C. (Bazin) 540
~George 614
~John P. {489}
~John S. 489
~Levi {614}
~Maria J. (Fielding) 540
~Matilda (Neal) 614
~Miss (.Jackson) 412
~Mr. (early settler) 412
~Peleg 520, {540}
~Peleg Sr. 540

Garland, Major 94

Garner, C. M. {788}, 789
~Caroline (.McClintock) 789
~Ch.(4-C./Caroline) 789
~Ch.(1-C./Mrs.) 789
~Herman 762
~Ida 762
~James H. {762}
~Jonathan 788, 789
~Joseph O. 762
~Lovina 762
~Mary (Newnham) 788, 789
~Mary A. 762
~Mary E. (Williams) 762
~Mrs. C. (-) 789
~William J. 762

Garraux, Ch.(1- -/Esther) 748
~Esther (-, .Richards) 748

Garrett, Benjamin F. (Lieut.) 382

Garrison, Ch.(4-Enoch) 469
~Cynthia (Waters) 455
~Edward 329
~Elijah (Rev.) 211, {230}, 231, 427, 445, 446, 454, 469
~Elizabeth (.Gale) 446
~Enoch W. {469}
~Enoch W. Jr. 469
~Family 230
~G. B. 448
~Hannah J. (.Gilbert) 455
~Hannah L. 469
~Jesse 586
~John 446, 715
~Joseph 446
~Lewis A. 469
~Louisiana (Davis) 455
~Lydia (Wilson) 455
~Mary L. 455
~Mrs. Enoch (3) (-) 469
~Sally (Allen) 455
~W. Z. 448
~William 469
~Zachariah A. 230, 231, 445, {455}

Gary, Samuel 213

Gaskill, Olive (.Seybold) 622

Gaston, S. S. (.Walling) 417

Gates, A. B. {762}
~Charles 762
~Elizabeeth (Saylor) 762
~George 762
~Jacob 762
~Jesse 763
~Joicy (.McIntire) 827
~Joseph 762
~Lousiana 763
~Mary 762
~Nehemiah 762
~Rebecca Ellen 762
~Susan (Chase) 762, 763
~Susan A. 762
~Theodore {762}, 763
~William 762

Gay, Amelia (Yokem) 789
~Anna (Rutledge) 789
~Ch.(8-James) 789
~Ch.(5-William) 701, 789
~Elizabeth (Shinn) 701, 789
~Gay, Chapman & Co. 575
~James [615], {789}, 791
~Mary (.Schwartz) 791
~Mr. (early settler) 583
~Ross & Gay 575, 678
~Stephen 428, 654
~William 789
~William H. 701, {789}

Gear, John H. 179

Geisendorfer, Dorothy 579
~Edward 579
~Emma 579
~Frederick 579
~G. L. {579}
~George 579
~Henrietta (Hooker) 579
~John 579
~Leonard 579
~Margaret (Miller) 579
~Mary 579
~Siegel 579
~William 579

Gelvin, Ch.(9-Jerry) {744}
~Harriet (Qualls) 744
~Jerry {744}

George, Cecil (.Morton) 464
~Samuel 531
~Henrietta (.Craven) 531
~II, King George 179

Gerrish, Cynthia A. (.Moore) 556

Gibault, M. (Priest) 53

Gibbons, Catherine (Ewing) 637, 638
~J. B. {637}, 638
~Joseph O. 638
~Lyle 637
~M. H. G. 638
~Mary (-) 637
~Mettie C. 638

Giberson, M. P. (.Irwin) 688

Gibson, Family 366
~George 223
~Samuel 223

Gidney, Doctor 584

Gilbert, Hannah J. (Garrison) 445
~Orsen 455
~Othniel (Col.) 138

Gilham, H. E. (.Clark) 484

Gillan, E. (.Shewe) 850

Gillaspie, John 472, 475
~Judson J. F. (Lieut.) 378
~Mrs. John (-) 475

Gilliland, Margaret (.Moore) 733
~Robert E. (Lieut.) 313, 381

Gilman, (Gilmer, Gilmore) Matthew {329}

Gilmer, Charles 816
~Clara 816
~Daniel H. (Hon./Col.) 310, 372, {392}, {396}, 664, {681}, 880-882
~David 816
~Eliza (Gose) 816
~Ella (Blake) 807, 816
~Ellen (McDaniel) 816, 827
~J. L. 796
~John T. {816}
~Louisa M. (Quinby) 681
~Lizzie 396, 681
~(Gilmore, Gilman) Matthew {329}
~(Gillmore) W. F. (Rev.) 476, 668

Gillmore, (Gilmer) W. F. (Rev.) 476, 668

Gilmore, (Gilmer, Gilman) Matthew {329}
~Seabourn 407

Gilpin, Laura E. (.Anderson) 523

Girard, Mahala (.Kidwell) 820

Girton, Elizabeth (.Curless) 678

Givens, Mr. (early settler) 407

Gladson, Amanda (.Hinds) 862

Glassgow, Ch.(3- -/Maria) 413
~Maria (-, .Loer) 413

Glazier, Hannah P. (.Jones) 550

Glenn, Archibald A. 883
~Catharine 420
~Ch.(1-William Sr.) {420}
~James 420
~Kate (.Shinn) 563
~Maria 420
~Maria (Topping) 420
~Thomas 420
~William 420, 563
~William Sr. {420}

Glines, Alpheus {489}
~Ellen (Cruthers) 489
~Jennie (.Stevenson) 622
~L. D. 489
~Mary G. (.Martin) 619
~Mr. (L.'s son) 489

Glover, Colonel 772

Goldman, Abraham 434, 513, 525
~Benjamin 434
~Bethleham (Wade) 540
~Ch.(4-Jacob) 541
~Ch.(1-Josiah) 435
~Elizabeth 541
~Elizabeth (Dunninway) {434}
~Elizabeth A. (Ellis) {434}, 435
~Elizabeth D. 434
~Ellen 435
~Ellen (.Brakefield) 525
~Ellen H. 541
~Emma J. 541
~Fannie 435
~Hardin H. 541
~Henry 530
~Hettie 435
~Jacob {540}, 541
~James Monroe 435
~Jane 435
~John 435
~Josiah 435, 541
~Julia C. (.Foreman) 434
~Mary J. 434
~Mary J. (.Foreman) 434
~Mary W. (Carmer) 530
~Melvin 541
~Millicent 435
~Newton B. 541
~Otelia (Jaritzs) 540
~Susannah 434
~Thomas 435
~Victoria 541

Goldsmith, Mr. (newspaper owner) 895

Goodin, Benjamin F. 719
~David {719}
~Hardin 317, 718, 719
~Johnson & Goodin 461
~Joseph 220, 715, 872, 876
~Joseph H. 872, 876
~Margaret A. (.Cannon) 718
~Martha E. (.Coley) 760
~Mr. (early settler) 203
~Mrs. David (Jeames) 719
~Rebecca (-) 719
~Robert 220, 715
~William H. 719

Goodman, Elizabeth (.Tamsett) 851

Goodrich, Mr. (supt. of schools) 884

Goodwin, Charlotte (.Westlake) 584
~Delilah (.Edwards) 680
~John (Col.) 140

Gooud, Alice (-, .Pringle) 681
~Amanda E. (Pringle) 681
~Charlotte (Cressnol) 681
~Ch.(1-George/Charlotte) 681
~Ch.(5-John) 681
~Elizabeth 681
~George {681}
~John 681
~Philip R. 681
~Susanna 681

Gordon, Alfred 312, {541}, 880
~Alfred A. 541
~Caroline (Greene) 817
~Charley 541
~Ch.(1-George) 541
~Ellen (Smith) 541
~George Washington 541
~Gertrude 744
~James D. 744
~Jane (.Chamberlain) 759
~Jennie G. (.Crandall) 811, 812
~Mary (.Fowler) 762
~Mary A. 541
~Mary A. (Jones) 541
~Mary E. (Wike) 744
~Moses 541
~Mr. (William's father) 744
~Mrs. (William's mother) (-) 744
~Nathaniel H. 541
~Nellie 541
~Sophia (Burbridge) 744
~William A. {744}
~Willie 541

Gorton, J. S. 801

Gose, Abel A. {862}
~Ada B. 862
~Charles B. {862}
~Charles J. 862
~Ch.(1-A.) {862}
~Cynthia J. (Jones) 862
~Elbert 862
~Eliza (.Blair) 807
~Eliza (.Gilmore) 816
~Eliza J. (Bickley) {862}, 866
~Elizabeth (Bailey) 862
~Ella Myrtle 862
~Ernest B. 862
~Frances E. (Sprague) 862, 866
~George C. 862
~Harry L. 862
~John 862

Goshern, Maggie (.Mitchell) 463

Goss, Sherman 447

Goudy, William (Hon.) {391}

Gould, Ch.(2-Joseph) 489
~Joseph A. {489}
~Josiah P. 489
~Lucy C. (Watson) 489
~Lydia (Burnett) 489

Grabael, Frank 719
~Herbert 719
~J. W. {719}
~Laura 719
~Margaret (-) 719
~Maria (Stebbins) 719
~Mary E. 719
~Samuel 719

Grable, Esely (.Husband) 421

Grady, John 763
~Mary (O'Donnel) 763
~Mary Ann 763
~Thomas 763
~Timothy {763}

Gragg, Elizabeth J. (.Motley) 771

Graham, Deborah (.Drummond) 761
~Elizabeth (.Drummond) 761
~Sarah (.Lorett) 691

Grammar, John {82}, 83
~(Grammer) William 310-314, 317, 318, 357, {744}, 745, 885

Grammer, Eliza (Philpot) 744, 745
~Lucy H. (Smith) 745
~Maria B. (.Blake) 745
~Mrs. William (-, .McTucker) 745
~(Grammar) William 310-314, 317, 318, 357, {744}, 745, 885

Grant, Ulysses (Gen.) 135, 138, 372, 501, 512, 688, 746, 760, 884, 885

Gray, A. R. 801
~Annie (.Starkey) 643
~Anson 739, 740, 745
~Benjamin F. {745}
~Burton 796
~Ch.(2-John/Mrs.) 638
~Ch.(5-John/Nancy) 638
~Elizabeth Ann (Mellon) 745
~Eugene {844}, 845
~Gertrude 745
~Hannah (-) 638
~Jane 740, 745
~John {638}
~Lena May 745
~Mary (Crandall) 844
~Mary (.Robinson) 740
~Mary Ann (Hall) 745
~Mr. (county clerk) 884
~Mr. (sheriff) 222
~Mrs. John (-, .Barnard) 638
~Nancy (Bradbury) 638
~Nina A. 745
~R. F. 519
~Sophia A. 745
~Stephen R. 223, 308, 309, 313, 796, 799, 872, 881
~Susanna (.Wassell) 704
~Thomas (John's father) 638
~Thomas (of New Salem) 312, 872, 885
~Thomas T. 844
~William (Lieut.) 381

Graybael, Adella 745
~Howard A. {745}
~Lloyd 745
~Lucinda E. (.Clingensmith) 742
~Mary A. (Miller) 745

Grayham, Ch.(10-Thomas) 409
~John 409
~Siretta J. (Rushing) 409
~Susan (-) 409
~Thomas {409}

Greathouse, America (.Hoover) 457
~Bonaparte 223, 446, 447, 871
~Calvin 446, 447
~Catherine 446, 447
~F. M. 448
~James F. 380, 381, {402}, 448
~John 446, 447
~Mahala (.Hoover) 458
~Martha 447
~N. B. 880
~Nancy J. (.Grimes) 682

Greaton, Leonard (Lieut.) 381

Greeley, Horace 885

Green, Addie M. (Hollebeck) 745
~Albert Warren 763
~Archibald 763
~Ch.(8-P.) 745
~Ch.(1-Warren) 763
~Cora Luella 763
~Dennis 869
~Edwin 763
~Emeline (.Long) 790
~Frederick Ross 763
~Hannah (Tilden) 745
~Harriet (.Adams) 783
~Harry Jay 763
~Ida Olive 763
~James M. {745}
~Letitia (Smiley) 869
~Lucinda (Taylor) 763
~Maria (.Ladow) 730
~Martha (.Pierce) 502
~Mary E. (- , .Pendleton) 763
~Nora 745
~P. D. S. 745
~Phebe 763
~Sarah (.Angle) 802
~Sarah Elizabeth 763
~Warren {763}

Greene, Caroline (Gordon) 817
~D. W. 801, {816}, 817
~E. 801
~Greene & Barber 653, 658
~Hay, Greene & Littler 398
~James 816
~Mary (Madison) 816
~Louisa 447
~Mrs. Robert (-) 221
~Oran 653
~Robert R. 221, 428, 654, 658, 703, 879
~William (Rev.) 801

Greengard, Ch.(6-Solomon) 788
~Esth (Rachell) 788
~Solomon {788}

Greenleaf, Calvin (Rev.) 311, 519, 667

Gregg, David L. 161

Gregory, A. 475
~Charles 161
~Ch.(5-Matthias) 489
~G. W. 725
~Mary (Chenoweth) 489
~Matthias 479, {489}
~Nancy (Broiles) 489
~Robert 472, 489

Gresham, E.T. 725
~Elenor 725
~Eliza J. (.Venable) 736
~John 330-332, 336, 667
~Mr. (John's son) 331

Greusel, Nich. (Col.) 138

Grier, David P. (Col.) 139
~Joseph 408
~Miss (.Brown) 408

Griffin, Belle (.Bright) 419
~Betsey (.Bolin) 451
~Ch.(1-Daniel/Mary) 541
~Ch.(3-Daniel/Sarah) 541
~Ch.(2-Robert) 593
~Daniel B. {541}
~Fannie 593
~Hattie 593
~J. H. 318
~J. M. 540
~J. N. 882
~Jessie G. 593
~John 593
~John M. (Capt.) 377
~Lizzie 541
~Lorenzo D. 541
~Louisa (Hooper) 593
~Maggie 593
~Mary (.Miller) 593, 596
~Mary E. (Baker) 541
~Mary E. (.Harder) 683
~Mary L. (.Frye) 540
~Nannie 593
~Noley 541
~Riley 541
~Robert H. (Dr./Lieut.) 381, {593}, 596, 884, 886
~Sarah A. (Fowler) 541
~William 593, 596
~William B. 377
~William W. 593

Griffith, Samuel 627
~Sarah (.Thomas) 736

Griggs, Anna (Bickerdike) 574
~Richard 515

Grigsby, Amanda (Parkis) 681, 682
~Ch.(4-Strother) 682
~Delos {402}
~Missouri E. (Reel) 682
~Strother (Hon.) 310, 313, 314, 317, 366, 402, 664, {681}, 682, 871, 872, 875, 882, 884-886, 916

Grimes, Albert 901
~Alice 682
~Amanda A. (Shock) 682
~Ch.(3-Strother/Amanda) 682
~Della (.Hanes) 682
~Eli 449
~Francis Marion 230, 445, 448, 900, {901}
~Henry 901
~Henry W. 682
~Ida 682
~Ina 901
~Ira A. 682
~J. W. 318
~James 357, 446, 447, 901
~John L. 882
~Laura 682
~Lucinda (.Boren) 452
~Luther 901
~Mary (McClintock) 455
~Milton 317, 455
~Nancy (Davis) 901
~Nancy C. (.Harl) 729
~Nancy J. (Greathouse) 682
~Perry 901
~Phoebe (.Biggs) 525
~Polly (.Clemmons) 453
~Rollo 901
~Sarah E. (Colvin) 901
~V. A. 448, 669
~W. V. (Dr.) {455}, 456
~William B. 222, 224, 304, 312, 317, 318, 447, 448, 669, {682}, 716, 871, 884

Grimshaw, Harriet (Milligan) 682
~Jackson (Col.) 221, {396}-398, 664, 682, 712, 882
~John U. 221, 653, 654, 683, 893
~Miss (.Bush) 893
~T. C. 683
~William 206, 223, 682
~William A. (Hon.) 192, 206, 221, 223, 237, 304, 305, 307, {357}-361, 364, 366, 371, 396, {402}, 664, 669, {682}, 683, 879, 880, 885, 889, 904, 905
~William S. {683}

Grotts, William 367

Groves, Mary (.Starkey) 644
~Preston F. {326}

Grubb, Alfred (Hon.) 223, 272, {398}, 796, 800, 826, 871, 872, 876, 879, 880, 882, 855
~Ann (.Wike) 704
~Beulah (-, .Nations) 817
~Emeline 817
~Eva 817
~George 817
~Harriet (Stevens) 817
~Hattie 817
~John P. 311, 317, 799, 801, {817}, 833
~John W. 817
~Jonas 817
~Lucy F. (.McAtee) 826
~Oliver 817
~Sarah (.Allen) 855
~Sarah (Wizer) 817

Guernsey, Mr. (early settler) 217

Guinnip, Lyman (Col.) 139

Gunn, Emily 589

Guss, B. F. {817}
~Charlie E. 745
~D. P. {745}
~Edwin S. 817
~Eliza (-) 745
~Hattie E. 817
~Janes (Sellers) 817
~Mary (Foltz) 817
~Mary J. (Lawton) 745
~Ollie M. 745
~Rosaline 817
~William 745, 817
~William C. 817

Guthrie, Elizabeth (.Miller) 790

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