Holly's Homepage/PikeCo page *** Pike Co U.S. GenWeb/Look-ups *** Montezuma Cemetery
NOTES: a) Ch.(3-): Three children mentioned but not named in book -of Father/Mother; b) For
wives: (birth name) (.husband's name); c) For Indians (tribe); d) [Portrait]; e) {Personal sketch}
However, main info may appear under a child!; f) & --firm name, under all names.
Errors will be corrected upon contact.
Note: Check alternate spellings...even the book was not always consistent!!
A | B | Bi | Br | C | Co | D | E | F | G | H | He | Ho | I | J | K | L | M | Me | Mo | N | O | P | Q | R |
Ro | S | Sho | St | T | U | V | W | Wh | X | Y | Z | Unknown | Bottom |
Bachelor, Laura (.Hutchinson) 549, 550
Bacon, Benjamin 758
~Emma 758
~Joel 255, 257, 260, 385
~Mary A. (-) 758
~Sarah E. (Harkness) 758
~William F. {758}
Bacus, Ch.(1-William) 604
~James H. M. 604
~John S. 446, 447, 604
~Martha (Mays) 604
~Minnie D. 604
~William H. {604}
Badgely, Mary (.McSpawn) 692
Bagby, E. D. 600
~Henry T. 439
~John C. 170
~Lucinda (.Thornton) 586, 599
~Martha C. (Smith) 439
~Mattie (.White) 600
~Nancy (.Kurfman) 618
~Nathaniel 586
Bagley, Lucy, (.Burbridge) 591
~Sarah A. (.Sigsworth) 774
Bailey, Alvin (Rev.) 519
~Anna (.Brownell) 810
~Elizabeth (.Gose) 862
~Ch.(2-Isaac) 523
~Frank 523
~G. H. (Rev.) 521
~George W. K. (Col.) 139, 379, 380
~George W. 523
~Isaac {523}
~John S. (Hon.) {390}, {392}, 881, 882
~Josiah 523
~Lizzie E. (Pitney) 523
~Minnie 523
~Mr. (newspaper owner) 889
~Mr. (teacher) 724
Bainbridge, Mr. (sailor) 647
Baker, Adda (.Hadsell) 746
~Alfred C. (Dr.) 396, 796, 798, {805}, 817, 831, 880
~Alvira (.Clutch) 857, 858
~Ch.(5-A.) 805
~Clarissa (.Gard) 816, 844
~Colonel 124, 805
~David Jewett (Sen.) {162}
~Edward 805
~Edward D. (Gen./Sen.) {145}, 165, 271, {396}, 664
~Edward L. 890
~Ellen (.Collyer) 605
~Hay & Baker 398
~Jehu 169
~Joseph 724
~Judith C. (.Johnson) 461
~Louisa (.Allen) 805
~Lucy (Dickinson) 805
~Martha A. (Barney) 805
~Mary (.Johnson) 766
~Mary E. (.Griffin) 541
~Mary J. (.Smith) {438}, 439
~Mathew 447
~Mr. (attorney) 271
~Samuel 438, 461
~Sylvanus 858
Baldwin, Alexender 524
~Ann (Desney) 480
~Ch.(6-George) 480
~Ch.(4-Lewis H.) 612
~Clara (Ives) 839
~David 480, {523}, 524
~David P. (miller) 522, 524, 554
~Elias {839}
~Elizabeth A. (.Williams) 834
~George W./P. (miller) 312, {480}, 522, 524, 554
~John 612
~Harriet (.Kennedy) 551
~Lewis 621
~Lewis H. {612}
~Maria Jane (Elledge) 612
~Margaret 839
~Mr. (William's father) 839
~Permelia (Safers) 839
~Rebecca (.Reed) 621
~Sarah H. (Hawkins) 612
~Sarah Jane (Mason) 480
~Silas D. (Col.) 138
~William 839
Ball, Anna (Cadwell) 524
~Ch.(6-T.) 524
~Delia (Kellogg, .Elledge) 524, 536
~G. O. 524
~John L. 881
~Theodore K. 521, {524}
Ballan, Asha A. (.Coon) 843
Ballard, Doctor 736
~J. (Rev.) 521
~John A. (Capt.) 381, 382
Baltwick, E. L. (Col.) 382
Balzer, Catharine (Wizenberger) 839
~Ch.(4-George) 840
~George {839}, 840
~George Sr. 839
~Orintha (Yearly) 840
Bancroft, Amos 259, 263, 385, 871
Bane, Moses M. (Dr./Col.) 138, 865
Bankhead, C. R. (Dr.) 728
Banning, Ch.(8-Stephen) 480
~Elizabeth (Rigg) 480
~Keziah (-) 480
~Mary Jane (.Dunn) 486
~Stephen {480}
~Thomas 480
Baptiste, Jean Pointe au Sable 171
Barber, Austin 221, 312, 428, 654, 658, {672}, 703, 871, 881, 882
~Caroline (Johnson) 672
~Ch.(6-Austin) 672
~Frances (Hicks) 687
~George (Lieut) 661, 687
~Greene & Barber 653, 658
~Hiram 170
~Samuel 658
Barbour, Levi 382
Bardell, Mr. (plaintiff) 393
Barker, George 886
~Jane (.Borrowman) 525
~Mary (.Dixon) 484
Barkus, Sarah (Patterson, .Loer) 413
Barley, Ablera 758
~Amelia E. (Jacobs) 758
~Amelia Jane 758
~Bertha 758
~Gideon McClellan 758
~Lenon 758
~Malinda H. (.Leads) 758
~Sarah Ellen 758
~Samuel {758}
~Samuel Jr. 758
~William Frederick 758
Barnard, E. C. (Rev.) 521
~Elizabeth (.Hayden) 845
~James S. 372, 375
~Mrs. Stag (-, .Gray) 638
~Stag 638
Barnd, A. F. {717}
~Christian 717
~Mary (-) 717
Barnes, Bartholemew 241, {330}-332, 335, 336, 667
~David W. 258
~James 754
~John {337}
~Ninevah 754
Barnett, Lucinda (.Taylor) 509
~Susannah (.Kurfman) 618
Barney, A. L. (Husong) 781
~Alfred F. 589
~Andrew J. 589
~Ann 806
~Anna M. (.Shaw) 793
~Artilla D. 589
~Benjamin (Col./Hon.) 206, [207], {209}-213, 215-217, 229, 231, 240, 268, 320-322, 356, 357,
366, 471, 586, 650, 682, 699, 781, 796, {805}, 806, 871, 873, 875, 876
~Benjamin (of Montezuma) {589}
~Benjamin B. 212, 590
~Caroline (Harvey) 589
~Cynthia H. (Mays) 589
~Clarissa (Shaw) 574
~Cora B. 590
~Daniel 781
~Deborah 806
~Edgar F. 590
~Eliza J. 574
~Elizabeth (Crape) 806
~Francis M. {590}
~Henry L. 589
~Hepsey 806
~James B. 589
~Jane (.Chrysup) 810
~John 213, {574}, 805, 872, 880, 881
~John W. 589
~Joseph W. (Lieut.) 590, 806, 876
~Laura E. 589
~Manly 806
~Margaret 806
~Marion 589
~Marshall W. 806, 881
~Martha A. (.Baker) 805
~Minerva (Harris) 206, 209
~Minnie 589
~Orville H. 574, 886
~Polly 806
~Robert A. 589
~S. A. (Furry) 590
~Thomas 312
~W. N. 447
~West 805, 806
~William 805
~William Sr. 805
~William A. 589
~William R. 590
Barnhart, Lizzie E. (French) 540
Baron, Miss (.White) 571
Barrere, Granville 170
Barrett, Ellen (Watson) 703
~J. G. (Rev.) 783
~James A. (Col.) 140
~Prudy (.Morris) 501
~Rev. Dr. 703
Barringer, Benjamin 462
~Malinda (.Mahair) 462
Barry, Eleanor E. (Kurfman) 407
~James {407}
~Rosanna (-) 407
~Wilson 407
~Bartholomew, John {325}
Bartleson, Fred. A. (Col.) 139
Bartlett, Albert J. 524
~Bartlett & Birdsong 798
~Gracie G. 524
~Harriet G. (Crane) 524
~Levi {524}
~N. 419
~Sarah (.Carrell) 419
Barton, Ch.(11-Isaac) 784
~Harriet A. (.Freeman) 728
~Isaac {784}
~Joshua {143}, 145
~Mary (Brewer) 784
~R. M. (Owsley) 784
~Thomas 310, 723, 724
~Uriah 728
~William {727}, 784
Bashaw, Mr. (of Hamburg) 366
Bashforth, John K 883
Bateman, Henry 222, 224, 227, 513
~Mr. (Henry's son) 513
~Mrs. Henry (-) 513
~Newton 161
Baten, Sarah Ann (.Tipler) 851
Bates, D. E. (Maj) 654
~Dan 916
~Dorus 654
~Erastus N. 161
~Miss (.Nicolay) 220
~Thomas 637, 871, 879, 880
Batley, Ellen (.Walker) 623
Battershell, Abigail (Rector) 451
~Anne (Smith) 451
~Betsey (Richards) 451
~Battershell & Mitchell 451, 463
~Charles 451
~Ch.(1-John Sr.) 451
~Emma 451
~Eva 451
~Hezekiah 451
~John (of Spring Creek) 445, 446, 451
~John Jr. 451
~John Sr. {451}
~Martha 451
~Mary 451
~Matilda 451
~Matilda (.Wheeler) 471
~Mitchell 451
~Sarah 451
Baughman, Sarah (.Shewe) 850
Baughmon, Aaron {784}
~Catherine (Wilhelm) 784
~Catharine W. (Heler) 784
~Ch.(9-Aaron) 784
~Ch.(4-Jacob/Catharine W.) 784
~Jacob (Aaron's father) 784
~Jacob (Monroe's father) 784
~Monroe {784}
~Sarah (Sapp) 784
Baul, Wilhelmina (.Strauss) 622
Bayne, Nancy (.Hoyt) 819
Baxter, Arthur 524
~E. W.{524}
~George E. 524
~Emma F. 524
~Harvey E. 524
~Helen M. 524
~Helen M. (Harvey) 524
~Lydia B. (.Hatch) 544
~M. E. 524
~Mary E. 524
~Mr. (Susan's father) 788
~Moses E. 544
~Susan J. (.Cleveland) 788
Bazin, Elizabeth C. (.Gardner) 540
Beach, Fatha (.Steadman) 866
Beadsley, Rhoda (.Spencer) 702
Beaks, Nancy (.Knox) 821
Bean, Harriet L. (.Conkright) 633
Beard, Ellen (.Liggett) 864
~Susan 475
Beatty, Amelia (.Meredith) 500
~David E. 885
Beaven, C. C. 880
Beavers, Averill 480
~Herschel V. 480
~L. F. 480
~Mary Elizabeth (Smith) 480
~W. A. {480}
~William 480
Bechdoldt, Anna 431
~Ch.(2-George) 431
~Ch.(10-Jacob) 430
~Edith 431
~Esther 431
~Ettie 431
~Frances S. (Price) 430, 431
~Frederick 431
~Fredrick (Lieut.) 377
~George P. {430}, 431
~Helen 431
~Jacob P. 430
~Julia 431
~Maria 431
~Mrs. Jacob (-) 430
~Theodore 431
Beck, Abraham 254, 258, 871
Beckford, Caroline (.Seaborn) 561
~Mary T. (.Dickerson/Dickinson) 533
Bedwell, Nancy (McKee) 864
Beecher, Beecher & Anderson 523
~Lyman (Rev.) 561
~Henry Ward 561
Beeman, Lyman 270
Beisel , Maria A. (.Steadman) 866
Bell, Alexander 536
~Angeline {327}, 328
~George 306
~John 571
~Joseph W. (Col.) 140
~Julia {327}, 328
~Mary (.Pearson) 327, 328
~Susan M. (.Wilson) 571
Bemer, Catharine (.Zimmerman) 512
Bemis, Aaron 451
~(Bemiss) Aaron W. 308, 310, {451}, 880
~Albert 451
~Laurie 451
~Martha (Frost) 451
~Mary P. (Ford) 451
Bemiss, A. B. (.Shaw) 792
~(Bemiss) Aaron W. 308, 310, {451}, 880
~Martha (.Miller) 721
Benn, Charles F. 590
~Evalina 590
~Henry {590}
~Hettie M. 590
~Ida J. 590
~John H. 590
~Lillie 590
~Lora 590
~Lulu 590
~Matilda J. (McClintock) 590
~Sarah (-) 590
~William 590, 872, 882
~William R. 590
Bennett, Doctor 227
~Elijah (Dr.) 614
~H. D. 447
~Jennie (.Moore) 596
~L. 658
~Rebecca (.Hatch) 544
~Simeon 544
~Susanna (.Doan) 534, 614
~William (duelist) {145}
~William (murder victim), 325, 326
~William H. 596
Bennison, W. H. (Col.) 139
Benson, Henry 611
~Linosa Lee 856
~Lydia Margaret 856
~Sarah Ann (.Moyer) 771
~Susan (-, .Coleman) {856}
~Thomas 856
Bensted, Mary E. (.Calvert, .Oat) 501
Bentley, Gideon 472, 476
~Harriett E. (.Love) 618
~Mrs. Gideon (-) 476
Benton, F. A. 883
~W. P. (Brig. Gen.) 379
Berceka, Carolina (.Kleinlein) 412, 413
Berdan, J. 880
Berger, S. Janett (.Clark) 420
~Samuel 420
Bernard, J. C. 551
Berry, America (.Dorman) 409
~Charles {337}
~Elijah 162
~Emeline (.Hoskin) 765
~Miss (of Jacksonville) 850
~Miss (.Walker) 850
~Mr. (Tobacco dealer) 850
~Rebecca (.Shearer) 850
~W. E. (Elder) 801
Betterton, Elizabeth (.Ledlie) 691
Beveredge, James H. 161
~(Beveridge) John L. 140, {161}, 885
~John S. 169
^Bickley, Eliza J. (.Gose) 862
Bickerdike, Anna (Griggs) 574
~Anna J. 574
~Charles E. 524
~Charles W. {574}
~Ch.(6-John Sr.) 524
~Ch.(2-John/-) 524
~Elizabeth (Perry) 524
~George 524
~George F. 524
~John {524}
~John Sr. 524, 574
~Mary R. 524
~N. E. (Shrigley) 574
~Nancy E. 524
~Rebecca J. (Pearcy) 524
~William A. 524
Biddlecome, D. R. (Rev.) 629
Bigelow, Albert D. 840
~Ch.(1-Warren/-) 840
~Elbert J. 840
~James W. 840
~Johnson 840
~Lela Maud 840
~Mary O. 480
~Mary (Lewis) 840
~Mary (.Razy) 621
~Mrs. Warren (1-3) (-) 840
~Warren D. 838, {840}
Biggs, Ch.(4-Ephriam/Mary) 525
~Ch.(1-Ephriam/Rosanna) 525
~Ephriam {524}, 525
~Fannie 525
~George W. 525
~Martha E. 525
~Mary A. (Mendenhall) 524, 525
~Melissa 525
~Nancy (-, .Fribley) 525
~Phoebe (Grimes) 525
~Rachel A. 525
~Rosanna (-, .Moore) 525
~Sarah M. 525
~William 525
Bill, Chloe (.Lippencott) 822
Bingham, Nellie 801
Binns, Bertha 672
~Edward F. {672}, 871, 875, 886
~Elizabeth (McGlosson) 672
~Louisa 672
~Mrs. A. (-) 448
~Orpha (Norton) 672
~Randolph 672
~William 715
~William S. 672
Birdsong, Bartlett & Birdsong 798
Birkbeck, Morris 161
Birney, James G 880
Bishop, R. M. 183
Bissell, Alfred {205}, 241, 617
~Colonel 119, 120, 124
~William H. (Gov.) 159, 160, 166, 835, 882
Bitz, Catharine B. (.Schaub) 504
Black, Millie (.Thurman) 467
Black Hawk (Sac) 72, 84, [85], 87-{92}-95, 158, 206, 218, 319, 320, 346
Black Hawk (tribe) 470
Black Hawk War {84}, 87-95, 163, 199, 217, 218, {319}-323, 358, 391, 399, 435, 446,449, 482, 591, 595, 606, 610, 627, 698, 710, 729, 730, 769, 806, 838, 846
Black Partridge (-) 64, 65, 66
Blackerby, J. M. 871, 880
Blacklidge, Sarah Ann (.Wallace) 852
Blackwell, Davis 161
~Emily (.Hornback) 764
~Robert S. (Hon.) {391}
Blades, Benjamin L. (Lieut.) 381
~Dober & Blades 659, 672
~E. W. {672}, 886
~G. W. 872
~Phoebe A. (Hammond) 672
Blain, Blain & Steers 854
Blair, Alta C. (Smith) 807, 830
~Anna (Brewster) 807
~Amanda (.Davis) 797, 812, 843
~Calvin D. {807}
~Ch.(1-Samuel/Lucy) 797
~Dora (Blake) 807
~Eliza (Gose) 807
~George C. 807
~Harry 796
~Harvey 223, 796, {807}, 819
~John N. 796
~Louisa (.Hart) 807, 818
~Lucinda 807
~Lucy (-) 797
~Martha (Quiet) 807
~Martha Q. E. 807
~Mary (-, .Williams) 834
~Mary (.Hart) 819
~Montgomery 213, 223, 308, 310, 314, 357, 682, 796, 800, 880
~Samuel 223, 796, 797, {807}, 818, 830
~Sophia (.Thomas) 736
~W. 880
~William (Hon.) 223, 252, 796, 834, 871, 879, 880
~William Montgomery (Rev.) 213, 223, 796, 797, 807, 853
~William S. 807
Blake, Angeline (.McDaniel) 827
~Caroline (Rookerd) 672
~Ch.(4-Leander) 807
~Ch.(1-M.) 585
~Ch.(5-Samuel) 439
~Desiah P. (Higgins) 807
~Dora (.Blair) 807
~Ebenezer 807
~Edward 672
~Ella (.Gilmer) 807, 816
~Elnore 672
~Ephriam (MA) 807
~Ephriam (PA) 827
~Henry 585
~James P. {672}
~Jerry 827
~John 585
~Leander {807}, 808
~M. 585
~M. Blake & Sons {525}
~M. Blake & Co. 812
~Margaret 439
~Maria (Grammer) 745
~Mary (Charles) 807
~Melinda (Richards) 672
~Melinda (Thompson) 585
~Melinda A. 585
~Mrs. Samuel (-) 439
~Nancy (.Stackpole, .Smith) 439
~Nicholas 585
~Preston 807
~Rebecca J. 585
~Robert 585
~Samuel 439
~Sarah (.Pilling) 641
Blanchard, William 197
Blane, Mary (.Warinner) 867
Blei, Charles E. 673
~Ch.(2-Henry) 673
~Emma J. 673
~Frank L. 673
~Fred 673
~Henry {672}, 673
~Henry J. 673
~Katie E. 673
~Mrs. Henry (-) 673
Bliven, A. G. (Lieut) {808}
~Eleanor (Foster) 808
~Ida M. 808
~Mabel M. (Wheeler) 808
~Salina A. 808
~Samuel G. 808
~Willis E. 808
Blood, Amos (Capt.) 516, 519, 531, 637
~Susan (one of two) 519
~Susan (one of two) 519
Bloomer, Thomas 306
Bob (African-American) 217
Bodine, J. M. {525}
Bogard, Rev. Mr. 756
Bogart, M. W. 318
Boggess, Anna (.McLaughlin) 619
~O. M. 247
Bolender, Catharine (.Sannebeck) 642
~M. (.Sannebeck) 642
Bolin, America (Lawhorne) 840
~Betsey (Griffin) 451
~Celia (Sharp) 840
~Charles (Rev.) 451
~Charles E. 318, 900
~Ch.(11-John/America) 840
~Ch.(2-John/Elizabeth) 840
~Ch.(3-John/Nancy) 840
~Elizabeth (Vanover) 840
~John 840
~John O. 313, 314, 449, {451}, [459] 900
~Lucinda F. (.Morris) 865
~Mary (Hoover) 451
~Minervia (Clemmons) 451
~Nancy M. (Sharp) 840
~Rebecca (McCoy) 451
~William {840}
~(Boling) William H. {840}, 871, 879, 880
Bolter, John 385
Bolton, William H. (Capt.) 141
Bonaparte, Napoleon 632
Bond, Amanda (.Johnson) 495
~Frances Ann 480
~Frances Ann (Aikins) 480
~James 434
~Jennie (James) 480
~John 472, 480
~Sarah E. (.Foreman), 434
~Shadrach (Gov.) 74, 75, 80, 97, {142}, {157}
~Williamson {480}
Bonnel, Catharine (Hinman) 494
~Henry 830
~Helen (.Smith) 830
~Thomas (Rev.) 494
Bonnell, Mr. (Sheriff) 883
Boone, Daniel 203, 435, 455, 475, 536, 546, 549
~Neddie 536
Booth, Ann (.Ardron) 805
Boren, A. 448
~Absolom 452
~Absolom Jr. {452}
~Amanda 448
~Angeline Q. E. 452
~Catherine (Anderson) 452
~John W. {452}
~Lucinda (Grimes) 452
~Mary (Smith) 452
~Mary (.Thurman) 467
~Melinda (.Decker) 861
~N. C. 447
~Nancy K. 452
~Sarah A. 452
~Tarleton 861
~Uriel E. 452
Borrowman, Ch.(5-David) 525
~David 515, {525}
~Jane (Barker) 525
~John 525
~Martha (.Bunn) 605
Bostwick, Lieutenant 663
Bothwick, Barbara 808
~Emma 808
~Isabel 808
~Isabel (Lane) 808
~James (William's father) 808
~James (William's son) 808
~Martha (Likes) 808
~Mary 808
~Mary (Dilman) 808
~Minerva 808
~William {327}, {808}
~William Jr. 808
Bouton, Edward (Capt.) 140
Bowen, Elizabeth (.Smith, .Wilkins?) 511
Bower, Barbara (Wright) 808, 809
~C. E. {808}, 809
~Ch.(5-C.) 809
~Dille (.Thomas) 736
~George Washington 741
~James W. {741}, 742
~Joseph 741
~Mr. (C.'s father) 808
~Mrs. (C.'s mother) (-) 808
~Rebecca Ann (Coshon) 741
~Rebecca E. 741
~Reuben D. 809
~Sarah Olive 741
Bowman, A. 679
~Captain 52
~Elizabeth (.Hull) 617, 853
~Mary E. (-) 607, 608
~Mary E. (.Scranton) 607, 608
~Sarah Elizabeth (.Ogle) 620
~Robert 607
Bowsman, John (Lieut.) 381, 382
Boyce, Norton B. 102
Boyd, Doctor 581
~Dora (.Landers) 581
~John 693
Boyer, Caleb 521
Boyle, John 59
Boyles Mr. (a lad) {340}
~Mr. (murderer) 340
Boynton, Sally (. Davis) 532
^ Brackett, Alert G. (Col.) 140
Bradburn, A. M. {717}
~Ch.(7-A.) 717
~David N. 717
~Emily (Jameson) 717
~Mark 717
~Mary (Keatley) 717
Bradbury, Anna (.Lipcaman) 496
~Benjamin F. {480}, 481
~Betsy (Davis) 481
~C. E. (.Wilson) 512
~Ch.(7-Benjamin) 481
~Elizabeth (Carlisle) 481
~Family 223
~Jacob 562, 565
~Louisa (.Reynolds) 503
~Lucy (.Simmons) 554, 565
~Melissa (.Meredith) 500
~Nancy (.Gray) 638
~Patience (-) 565
Braden, Clark 479
Bradley, Sally (.Eastman) 535
Bradshaw, Mr (early settler) 740
Bradstreet, Sarah 519
Bradwell, Baxter 255
Brakefield, Brakefield & Crandall 530
~Charles 526
~Ch.(4-James) 530
~Ch.(2-Samuel) 525
~Elizabeth (Carmer) W. 526, 530
~Ellen (Goldman) {525}, 526
~Ettie J. 530
~Henry C. 530
~James {526}, [527], 530
~Lillie C. 530
~Llewella 525
~Lydia (Carmer) 530
~Mary 526
~Mary W. (.Simmons) 530
~Olive 525
~Samuel 525, 526
~Thomas 530
Brammell, Amelia (Butler) 840
~Charles N. {840}
~John W. 318
~Thomas 840
Brandt, Caroline (.Ottowa) 772
Branson, G. W. 725
~M. 217
Bratlinger, Sarah (.Warren) 511
Brawley, James F., {758}
~Martha E. (Potter) 758
~Margaret A. (.Pence) 702
~Sarah M. (.Sigsworth) 643
Breckinridge, John C. 402
~Mr. (archeologist) 19, 20
Breden, Mary E. (.Winegar) 417
Breese, Sidney (Sen.) {163}, 875
Brengelman, Dunn & Brengelman 475
~H. H. {481}
Brenner, Allena 809
~Ch.(1-John) 809
~Edward 809
~George 809
~John {809}
~John Jr. 809
~Katie 809
~Martha (Clark) 809
~Sarah 809
~Thomas 809
Brentano, Lozano 170
Bentley, Emma (.Wassell) 704
Brentz, James D. 879, 880
Breslar, Harriet (.Smith) 850
Brewer, Bird 853
~John H. 312
~John S. 882
~Mary (.Barton) 784
Brewster, Anna (.Blair) 807
~Anna M. 840
~Charles E. 840
~Charles T. 222, 311, 838, {840}, [878]
~Ch.(5-Charles) 840
~Melvina (Percell) 840
~Malvina (.Ross) (Charles' daughter?) 849
~Minnie M. 840
~Mr. (Charles' father) 404, 840
~Samuel 723
Briant, Julia (.Stout) 770, 851
Bridge, Ch.(3-Edmund) 856
~Edmund T. {856}
~Mary A. (Sweet) 856
~William K. 102, 855, 856
Bridges, Lyman (Capt.) 141
Briggs, Jacob 454
~Margaret (.Foreman) 454
Bright, Belle (Griffin) 419
~Belle (.Thrasher) 566
~Ch.(8-William (Barry)) 809
~Frank 475
~George W. 419, 472
~Hannah (Davis) 419
~Mabel L. 419
~William (of Barry) {809}
~William (of Flint) {419}
~William Jr. 419
Bright's Saloon 799
Brim, Catherine (Taylor) 481
~Ch.(6-Robert) 481
~Robert {481}
Briscoe, Edward 717
~Ira 715, {717}, 718
~Margaret (.Webster) 737
~Peggy (-) 717
~Polly (Crump) 717
Brittain, John 314, 357
Britton, George W. 265, 871
~ John 872
Broadhens, Ann (.Ardron) 805
~Susannah (Cheatham) 805
~Thomas 805
Broadwell, Baxter 257
Broady, Margaret (.Davis) 743
Brock, Armstrong 784
~Caroline (Marsh) 787
~Ch.(5-Uriah) 787
~Mary Alice (Deam) 787
~Theresa Angle (Brown) 784
~Uriah (Capt.) {784}, 787
~Uriah A. 787
Brockman, Colonel 114, 117
Brockway, Cornelia (.Anderson) 717
Brodie, Benjamin (Sir) 220
~ John 102
~Mr. (John's 3 sons) 102
~Mrs. Benjamin (-) 220
Broiles, Eleanor (.Dorsey) 485
~Mary (.Ham) 410, 489
~Nancy (.Gregory) 489
Brokaw, Abraham 718
~Albert 718
~Amelia (-, .Toothaker) 718
~Charlesy 718
~Cora A. 718
~Elmer 718
~Eva V. 718
~George 718
~Jasper {718}
~John 718
~Liona 718
~Martha 718
~Martha (Maroon) 718
~Priscilla 718
~Sarah 718
~Sarah (-) 718
~William 718
Bromwell, Henry P. H. 169
Bonds, Mary E. (.Rulon) 422
Bronson, Stephen (Col.) 140
Brook, James 447
Brooking, Amanda 452
~Andrew F. 452
~Arnold D. 452
~Elizabeth (Colvin) 452
~John M. {452}
~John W. 452
~Rebecca M. 452
~Sara J. 452
~Sarah (Rubell) 452
~William 452
Brooks, A. H. 407
~Archibald 308, 310, {481}
~Archibald, Sr. 481
~Ch.(3-Archibald) 481
~Ch.(6-Joab) 408
~Elizabeth (.Ellis) 733
~Elizabeth (Hume, .Brooks) 407, 408
~Emily (Remington) 481
~Gilbert 522
~Henrietta (Allen) 522
~Joab {407}, 408
~Joseph D. 725
~Lucy (-) 407
~Mary A. (.Thompson) 440
~Mary J. 725
~Sophia (Sutliff) 481
Bross, John A. (Col.) 140
~William {161}
Brothers, Martha (.Moyer) 772
~Roberts Brothers 422
Brower, Alpheus 612
~Amanda (Carolines) 612
~Ch.(2-Philip) 612
~Delight (Smith) 612
~Elmwood 612
~John 612
~Malcolm C. 612
~Philip S. {612}
Brown, Alexander 758
~Alice 526
~Alice E. 529
~Alpheus 479
~Amos W. 526
~Ann (Dodge), 809
~Ann (.Kendall) 847
~Ann (.Watson) 752
~Anna (Hoskins) 758
~Annette E. (.Mallory) 825
~Asbury (Lieut.) 376
~Benjamin D. 781, 799, {809}, 810, 863, 879, 880, 882, 904
~Brown & McClure 688
~Brown & McTucker 798, 799
~C. H. 872, 880
~Catherine (-, .Jones) 408
~Catherine (.Dewell) 815
~Charlotte (.Hubbard) 639
~Ch.(5-Harrison) 843
~Ch.(2-Henry R.) 526
~Ch.(5-John/Nancy) 758
~Ch.(3-Joseph of Chambersburg.) 408
~Ch.(6+-Joseph (father)) 843
~Davis & Brown {812}
~Doctor 667
~Eliza (.Medford) 404
~Eliza C. (Shewe) 843
~Elizabeth (.Hoskins) 687
~Elizabeth (.Wheelan) 852
~Ella E. (Eastman) 529, 536
~Emily J. (.Morton) 501
~Emma D. (Westlake) 810
~F. C. 371
~Francis A. (.Smith) 507
~Fred 810
~Frederic 787
~George 787
~George W. 526
~Harriet (Park) 526
~Harrison 312, [635], {843}
~Henry 627
~Henry R. {526}
~Isaac Brown & Sons 449
~Isaac S. 312, 787
~Isabella (-) 758
~Isabella (.Wheelan) 852
~J. C. 800
~James (coroner) 872, 879, 880
~James (of Chambersburg) 310, 311,
~James (of Atlas) {787}, 788,
~James A. 314, 317, 339, 885
~James W. 313
~Jane (Chapman) 526
~Jessie 466
~Jincy (-) 466
~John 611, {758}, 904
~John H. {810}
~John Q. {526}, 529, 536
~Joseph (of Chambersburg) 357, 404, {408}
~Joseph (Harrison's father) 843
~Joseph (Harrison's son) 843
~L. H. 810
~Lilly 787
~Lloyd 787
~Louisa (.Lynch) 720
~Lucy (-) 690
~Mallie 843
~Maria (.Clare) 674
~Mary (Kellum) 809, 863
~Mary (.Read) 621
~Mary (.Westlake) 585
~Mary J. 526
~Michael 404, 408
~Miriel (.Smitherman) 465, 466
~Mr. (early settler of Barre) 798
~Mr. (early settler of N. Hart.) 205
~Mr. (newspaper owner) 892
~Mrs. Michael (Grier) 408
~Nancy (Cheffy) 758
~Nancy C. (Bullen) 843
~Nathan 716
~Norton 810
~Oliver 690
~Quitman {402}
~Rachel 404
~Richard E. 529
~Rufus {201}, 202, 205, 248, 259, 260, 781, 782, 871
~Sarah (Knapp) 787
~Sarah (.Rush) 621
~Sarah F. 526
~Sarah M. (.Kellogg) 690
~Sherman 312, 787, 872, 884, 885
~Smith, Davis & Brown 830
~Stewart, Edwards & Brown 399
~Susan (-) 787
~Theresa Angle (.Brock) 784
~Thomas (Hon.) 81, 219
~Uriah 270
~William (Benjamin's father) 809
~William (elder) 476
~William (Henry R.'s father) 526
~Willy H. 526
~Zara 787
Brownell, Anna (Bailey) 810
~B. F. 310, 818
~Benjamin (Rev.) 810
~Caroline (.Hart) 818
~Hattie 810
~Hector {810}
~James 810
~Jane (Rickey) 810
~Sarah (.Flynn) 433
~William 810
Browning, Adeline (.Tittsworth) 851
~Caleb 481
~Ch.(7-Jasper) 481
~Jacob 777
~Jasper M. 479, {481}
~John 777
~Orville H. (Hon./Sen.) {164}, 271, {396}, 400, 664, 880, 881
~Penelope (Power) 481
~Rachel (Allen) 481
~William M. 472, 479
Brumble, Brummell {329}
~Charles 329
Bryant, Allen & Bryant 524
~Eben 529
~Eben F. {529}
~Edith (Dean) 529
~Henry L. (Hon.) {391}
~J. B. {529}
~John (Capt.) 376
~Mary Ann (Hovey, .Seaborn) 562
~Sarah E. (.English) 634
Bryner, John (Col.) 138
Buchanan, Catharine (McConnell) 604
~Ch.(8-William) 604
~Henry P. 604, 872, 881, 882
~James A. 604
~James (Pres.) 126, 127, 389, 391, 399, 874, 875, 882
~Mary O. 604
~Mr. (2 brothers) 203, 366
~Robert H. 604
~Thomas A. 604
~William S. {604}
Buckingham, Lizzie (.Hogan) 764
Buckner, S. B. (Gen.) 305
Buckthorp, Nancy Malvina (Reynolds) 503
~Robert 503
Buell, Colonel 378
~Louisa B. (.Tryon) 793
Bullen, Nancy C. (.Brown) 843
Bunker, Clara (Wood) 758, 759
~Florence 759
~Frank Forest 759
~Frederick 759
~John 759
~Theodora B. 759
~Theodore C. {758}, 759
Bunn, Cora A. 605
~Edgar R. 605
~George 605
~Hattie A. 605
~John A.{605}
~Mary E. (Borrowman) 605
~Minnie O. 605
~Mrs. George (-) 605
Bunning, Ann (.Tipler) 851
Burford, Nap. B. (Col.) 138
Burbridge, Cynthia 589, 591
~Elizabeth (-) 744
~Emily (Hodge) 591
~Harriett 591
~Jaly 591
~James (of Thomas B) 591
~James (elder) 589, 717, 744
~John 591
~Julia Ann (.Hicks) 687, 693
~Mary (McNary) 589, 591
~Mary (of Thomas B) 591
~Mary Jane (.Hicks) 687
~Polly 589
~Robert (Thomas B.s' father) 590
~Robert (Thomas B's son) 591
~Sophia R. (.Gordon) 744
~Thomas 591
~Thomas B. {590}, 591
Burch, John W. 272, 871, 876, 879
Burchard, Horatio C. 169, 170
~W. W. 884
Burdick, Fannie (.Crandall) 811
Burger, John C. 886
Burgoyne, John 51
Burgess, Mr. (soldier) 29
Burckhartt, Eleanor (.Lytle) 462
Burke, James W. 314, 317, 318
~L. L. 895
~Mr. (built courthouse) 231
~Patrick E. (Col.) 138
Burkhead, Artemisia C. (.Chenoweth)
Burland, Hannah (.Dalby) 431
~John 444
~Mary (.Yelliott) 444
~Rebecca (-) 444
Burlend, John 430
~Sarah (.Allen) 430
Burnett, Frank 366
~John 366
~Lydia (.Gould) 489
~Mr. (John/Frank's father) 366
Burnham, Ch.(1-E. R.) 810
~Clara 810
~E. R. 800, {810}
~E. T. 810
~Edna 810
~Maggie L. (Turner) 810
Burns, Mary (.Lane) 822
Burr, Albert G. 169, 883
Burrows, Ada E. (.Reynolds) 408, 503
~Ch.(5-Robert) 408
~Ella F. 408
~Laura A. 408
~Nancy (Deviney) {408}
~Robert G. 408
Burt, (Burtt) Israel N. 269, 872, 876
~Thomas 653, 659
Burton, Martha H. (.Magee) 496
Bush, Ch.(2-J. M. Hon.) 893
~Daniel B. (Jr.?) 222, 270, 356,
~Daniel B. Jr. (Col.) 220, 305, 364, 371, 373, 382, {396}, 427, 654, 657, 664, 871, 872, 876,
879-881, 889, 916
~Elizabeth (.Casteel) 575
~Joseph Merrick (Hon.) 305, 313, {396}, 881, 885, 892, {893}, 905
~Joseph Merrick Jr. 893
~Miss (of Pittsfield) 653
~Mrs. Col. D. B. (Sellon) 220
~Mrs. Joseph (Grimshaw) 893
~William 893
Bush's Hall 367
Bushfield, Mary (.McGinnis) 414
Bushnell, Mary E. (.Davis) 743
~Nehemiah {396}
~Washington 161, 271
Butler, A. H. 531
~Abbie M. (Crawford) 531
~Amelia (.Brammell) 840
~Ann 419
~Butler & Smith 465
~Butler & Adams 463
~Ch.(1-Levi) 419
~David 419
~Elizabeth (Walker) 419
~Elizabeth (.Yokem) 795
~Ellen 419
~Emma 419
~Harriet A. (Smith) 439
~John 419
~Joseph 419
~Joshua 311, 312
~Levi {419}, 571
~Loraine 419
~Louisa (Wilson) 419, 571
~Maggie 419
~Mr. (Levi's father) 419
~Mrs. (Levi's mother) (-) 419
~Parvin 419
~Thomas H. (Capt) 377
~William 146, {148}, 149, 161, 715
~William H. 439
Butterfield, Amos {529}
~Ch.(?-Mr.) 530
~Leonard {529}, 530
~Mary (Hensel) 529
~Minnie 529
~Mr. (Leonard's father) 530
~Rebecca (Noyes) 530
~Susan (Lamson) 529, 530
Butts, Mary (.Perry) 829
Butz, Abe (Capt.) 658
Bybee, Edna F. 727
~Edward {727}
~Fannie V. (Hubbard) 727
~G. W. 725, 727
~Lenois D. 727
~Minnie E. 727
~Rhoda C. (-) 725, 727
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