Holly's Homepage/PikeCo page *** Pike Co U.S. GenWeb/Look-ups *** Montezuma Cemetery
NOTES: a) Ch.(3-): Three children mentioned but not named in book -of Father/Mother; b) For
wives: (birth name) (.husband's name); c) For Indians (tribe); d) [Portrait]; e) {Personal sketch}
However, main info may appear under a child!; f) & --firm name, under all names.
Errors will be corrected upon contact.
Note: Check alternate spellings...even the book was not always consistent!!
A | B | Bi | Br | C | Co | D | E | F | G | H | He | Ho | I | J | K | L | M | Me | Mo | N | O | P | Q | R |
Ro | S | Sho | St | T | U | V | W | Wh | X | Y | Z | Unknown | Bottom |
^ Rachell, Esth (.Greengard) 788
Raftery, Bridget (Loftus) 774
~Catharine 774
~Clarence 694
~Frances V. (Landrum) 774
~John 694
~Laura 774
~Luada 774
~Margaret 774
~Mary 774
~Michael S. {774}
~Nancy E. (Mottley) 694
~Robert E. 694
~Thomas (of Derry) {774}
~Thomas (William H.'s son) 694
~Thomas Jr.
~Thomas Albert 774
~William 694
~William H. {694}, 886
Rains, Family 466
Rainwater, J. H. {599}
~John 599
Raith, Julius (Col.) 138
Raleigh, Walter (Sir) 185
Ralston, Elizabeth (.Pearson) 733
~James H. (Hon.) {386}, 389, 391, {399}, 874, 876, 879
Ramsay, Caroline (.Long) 795
Ramsey, Henry R. 222, 310, 560, 871, 881
~Julia M. (Hill) 560
~Samuel {560}
Randolph, Harriet F. (.Moore) 607
~John 58
~Rachel (.Moore) 721
Rankin, Eliza J. (.Reynolds) 560
~James 560
~Robert 227, 836
Rapp, Christian R. (.Tyron) 793
Rathbone, J. H. (Col.) 379
Rathburn, Mr (blacksmith) 716
Rattan, Merrill E. 221, 272, 574, 659, 871, 876
Raum, Green B. 169
Ray, Fannie (.Lewis) 691
~Margaret (Huber) 691
~James {337}
~John 311, 691
~William 170
Rayburn, C W. 670
~Mary J. (.Duran/Durand) 576
Razy, Ch.(6-Richard) 621
~Harriet (Mason) 621
~James B. 621
~Mary (Bigelow) 621
~Nathan 621
~Richard {620}, 621
~Rufus 620
Read, Charles {621}
~Ch.(9-Charles) 621
~Mary (Brown) 621
~R. A. 879
~Robert 621
~Susan (Callow) 621
Readliner, Mary (.Weber) 511
Rearden, James S. (Col.) 138
Recker, Reverend 480
Rector, Abigail (.Battershell) 451
~Stephen (Capt.) 72, 73, 74, 142, 143
~Thomas {142}, 145
Red Bird (Winnebago) 84
Reed, Ch.(5-Silas) 621
~Ch.(2-W. A.) 502
~Christiana (.Clark) 484
~Helena (.Vail) 623
~Hespie D. (.Criswell) 891
~Hiram 573
~John 479
~Joseph 502
~Lizzie (Lynn) 502
~Margaret (.Higgins) 687
~Mary (Ward) 502
~May (.Ham) 490
~Mrs. William (Clark) 621
~Nancy L. 447
~Phoebe (.Clemmons) 452
~Rebecca (Baldwin) 621
~Sallie (.Seaborn) 643
~Sarah (.Johnston) 639
~Silas {621}
~W. A. {502}
~W. H. (Capt.) 304
~William 621
Reel, Missouri E. (.Grigsby) 682
Reese, General 661
~John 413
~Hannah (Hall) 413, 414
~Mary (.Loer) 413
Reeves, A. (.Tucker) 623
~O. T. (Col.) 138
^ Regiments, Illinois
~1st: 118, 123, 124
~2nd: 118-120, 124
~3rd: 118, 123, 124
~4th: 118
~5th: 128, 546, 596, 663, 818, 831
~6th: 128
~7th: 128, 131, 138, 375, {376}
~8th: 128, 138, {375}, 376, 555, 563, 858
~9th: 128, 138
~10th: 128, 138, 810
~12th-13th: 128, 138
~14th: 128, 138, 623
~15th: 128, 138
~16th: 128, 138, {376}, 561, 789, 806, 865
~17th: 128, 138, 221, 682
~18th: 128, 138, 560, 639
~19th: 128, 138
~20th: 128, 138, 590
~21st-24th: 128, 138
~25th: 138
~26th: 138, 509
~27th: 138, 850
~28th: 138, {376}-378, 580, 582, 594, 613, 746, 776, 793, 810, 820, 845
~29th-32nd: 138
~33rd: 138, {378}, 379, 483, 503, 522, 550, 631
~34th-35th: 138
~36th: 138, 502
~37th: 138, 640, 760
~38th: 138, 681
~39th: 138, 582
~40th- 43rd: 138
~44th: 138, 762
~45th-49th: 138
~50th: 138, 758, 865
~51st-61st: 138
~62nd: 138, 580
~63rd-67th: 138
~68th: 138, {378}, 437, 531, 643, 845
~69th: 138
~70th: 138, 608
~71st: 138
~72nd: 139
~73rd: 139, {378}, 379, 431, 440, 559, 865
~74th-77th: 139
~78th: 139, 849
~79th-83rd: 139
~84th: 139, 392
~85th-98th: 139
~99th: 135, 139, {379}-382, 411, 412, 417, 432, 433, 437, 438, 440, 443, 461, 469, 489, 495,
500, 501, 510, 512, 595, 600, 614, 621, 622, 639, 680, 691, 692, 697, 719, 744, 745, 747, 759,
760, 763, 766, 769, 774, 792, 793, 811, 819, 848, 869
~100th-117th: 139
~118th: 139, 808
~119th: 139, 856
~120th-128th: 139
~129th: 139, 502
~130th-135th: 139
~136th, 138th-156th: 140
~137th: 140, {382}, 431, 456, 471, 595
~138th-156th: 140
~Unnamed (45 Regiments): 135
Regiments, Illinois Calvary
~Squadron: 119
~1st: 128, 140
~2nd: 128, 135, 140, {382}, 595, 710, 743
~3rd: 128, 140, 599, 613
~4th-9th: 140
~10th: 140, 414
~11th-17th: 140
Regiments, Other Illinois
~1st Illinois Light Artillery 140
~2nd Illinois Light Artillery 141
~Unnamed Illinois Artillery 135
~Independent Illinois Batteries 141
~2nd Illinois Battery 141, 634
~1st Rifles, Pike Co. 320
~4th Illinois Vet. Res. Corp: 622
~Uncertain (I.V.I. Co. E.) 455
Regiments, Other
~Arkansas 120
~British 60th Royal Rifle Brigade 890
~8th, 18th Indiana Inf. 379
~40th Indiana Vet. Vol. Inf. 415
~47th Indiana Inf. 380
~Iowa Calvary 703
~10th Iowa Inf. 607
~21st Iowa Inf. 380
~1st Kentucky 642
~2nd Kentucky 120, 123
~Missouri Military Calvary 772
~3rd Missouri Calvary 772
~6th Missouri Calvary 380
~1st Missouri Inf. 600
~3rd Missouri Inf. 699, 791
~5th Missouri Inf. 733
~8th Missouri Inf. 728
~30th Missouri Inf. 525
~53rd Missouri Inf. 471
~2nd Nebraska Calvary 583
~35th New Jersey Zouaves 494
~86th New York 858
~1st Ohio 534
~39th Ohio 414
~49th Ohio 692
~79th Ohio 443
~194th Ohio 463
~71st Pennsylvania 805
~5th U.S. Inf. 640
~21st U.S. Inf. 697
~40th U.S. Inf. 698
~Unnamed 135
~29th Wisconsin 380
~51st Wisconsin 619
Reily, W. E. (Rev.) 629
Reinika, A. F. {437}
~Allie M. 437
~Harry O. 437
~Lurie 437
~Mary E. (Ayers) 437
~Simon 437
~William A. 437
Remington, Anthony 502
~Ch.(5-Orson/-) 502
~Elizabeth (.Davis, .Todd) 509
~Emily (.Brooks) 481, 502
~Mrs. Anthony (-) 502
~Orson R. 481, {502}
~Wealthy Ann (Aldridge) 502
Renault, Philip 46
~Mr. (slaver) (Philip?) 80
Reno, Margaret (.Williams) 834
Renoud, Caroline 464
~Charles H. {464}
~Charles H. Jr. 464
~Eliza 464
~George F. 464
~Kary (Duff) 464
~Lydia (Donaldson) 464
~Marsha 464
~Mary 464
~Mary (Wickam) 464
~Richard G. 464
~Robert E. 464
~Stephen 464
~Stephen P. 464
Renwick, George W. (Capt.) 141
Retalic, Thomas 801
Rethnal, Mary (.Frazier) 816
Reynolds, Ade E. (Burrows) 408, 503
~Allen B. 502, 503
~Annie A. 642
~Bell 642
~Ch.(4-N./Eliza) 503
~Ch.(2-Thomas) 642
~Ch.(2-William) 437
~Cynthia M. 642
~David M. 408, 503
~Delilah (Slade) 642
~Eliza C. (Crissey) 475, 503
~Eliza J. (Rankin) 560
~Emily 437
~Frances J. 437
~General 380
~George W. 437
~Harmon G. (Hon.) {391}
~Henry 437
~Hugh Lee 503
~Isaac N. 560
~James T. (Capt.) {560}
~James W. 560
~John (Gov./Hon.) 83, {84}, 87, {158}, 159, 165, 259, 260, 319, 320, 385, {386}, 682, 806
~John G. {642}
~John J. 560
~John W. 503
~Louisa (Bradbury) 502, 503
~Lucy Jane (Callis) 475, 603
~Mary 437
~Mattie A. (Crawford) 503
~Maud 437
~Mr. (author) 150
~Mr. (newspaper owner) 889
~Mrs. N. (-) 503
~Nancy (Martin) 503
~Nancy Malvina (.Buckthorp) 503
~Nathan W. (Lieut.) 378, 475, 476, {503}
~Norman {502}, 503
~Polly (-) 503
~Priscilla (-) 642
~R. D. 560, {642}
~Rufus 476
~Ruth (.Slight) 565
~Samuel 515
~Sarah E. 642
~Sarah Jane (.Cocking) 503
~Stephen A. 437
~Susan (Fry) 437
~Thomas 312, 317, 318, [423], 475, {503}, 504, 872, 886
~Thomas M. 560
~Thomas Sr. 642
~William (Lieut.) 378, 418, 428, {437}, 438
~William (Thomas' father) 503
~William T. 503
~William L. 437
~Zadok M. 503
Rhodes, Alert E. 438
~Charles 438
~Daniel E. 438
~Henry 438
~Joseph {438}
~Julia A. 438
~Manuletta 438
~Martha (Whitfield) 438
~Mary J. 438
~Sarah J. 438
~William 438
Ribble, Barbara (McClintock) 692
Ribourde, Friar 33, 39, 40, 41
Rice, Edward Y. 169
~James 266
~Joel 829
~John B. 169
~Mr. (early settler) 835
~Nancy (.Cooper) 427
~Nettie (.Pinger) 829
~Rebecca (.Brown) 809
Richards, Allen D. (Capt.) 381
~Ch.(3-Josiah/Esther) 748
~Ch.(3-Josiah/Margaret) 748
~Esther (-, .Garraux) 748, 751
~John F. (Maj.) 380-382
~Josiah W. {748}, 751
~Margaret (Phillips) 748
~Mary (.Battershell) 451
~Mary (.Carpenter) 490
~Melinda (.Blake) 672
Richardson, Dick 664
~Robert 715
~William A. (Hon./Sen.) {164}, 166, 271, {391}, 398, {399}, 874, 880-883
Richey, Ann J. (.Hoskin) 765
Richmond, Jonathan (Col.) 139
Rickart, David S. 479, 504
~Joseph B. {504}
~Mrs. David (-) 504
~Phoebe 521
Rickey, Jane (.Brownell) 810
Rider, Ch.(4-Jason) 697
~Emily (.Hoyt) 546
~Jason A. 669, {694}, 697, 871, 886
~Jennie E. (Cree) 694, 697
~Louisa Jane (.Wagner) 510
~Mr. (Jason's father) 694
~Mrs. (Jason's mother) (-) 694
~Samuel (Capt.) 546, 694
~Samuel W. 697
Ridgeway, Thomas S. 161
Rigdon, Sidney 105
Rigg, Elizabeth (.Banning) 480
Riggs, Captain 72, 73
~L. D. 448
~Long & Riggs 461
~Moses 649, 876
~Rhonda Ann (.Duran/Durand) 576, 680
Rigney, Mrs. (Meagley, .Thrasher) 566
Riley, Daniel (Lieut.) 381
Rinaker, John I (Col.) 139
Ripley, E. W. (Col) 697
~Mary Ann (.Harris) 763
Risher, Mary (.Stump) 851
Ritchie, Elsie (.Woods) 624
~James 472
Ritter, L. C. (.Trombold) 703
^Roark, Mr (early settler) 446
Roasa, Charles 829
~Charles C. 800, 801, {829}
~Elizabeth (-) 829
~Liggett & Roosa 822, 829
~Nora (McDonald) 829
~Paulina 829
~Pheobe J. (.Long) 790
Roberts, Caroline 465
~Ch.(1-E.) 421
~Ch.(4-Ira) 734
~David (of Martinsburg) 313
~David (of Montezuma) {464}, 465
~David (Rev.) 464, 734
~David Jr. 465
~E. M. {421}, 422
~Elizabeth (Jeans) 734
~Elizabeth (Twiford) 893
~Ellen (Crane) 465
~Evan M. 421
~Ezekiel (George W.'s father) 471
~Ezekiel (George W.'s son) 471
~Florence 471
~Frederick 465
~George 465
~George B. 421
~George E. 471
~George W. 314, 317, 318, 468, {471}
~Ira {734}
~J. Willis {697}, 893
~James W. 471
~John J. 464
~John S. 309, 311-313, 374, 428, 697 881, 882, 891-{893}
~Josephine 471
~Lavina E. 464
~Levi 247, 248, 254, 258, 385
~Lizzie 464
~Louis F. 421
~Lovina (Pool) 464, 734
~Lowena (Albert) 471
~Major 197
~Mary 471
~Mary (.Davidson) 575
~Mary Ellen 465
~Mr. (John S.' brother) 893
~Mr. (teacher) 447
~O. M. 185
~Richard D. 893
~Sarah M 421
~Susan (Cooper) 464, 465
~Sarah (.Weaver) 737
~Susan W. (Kempton) 421
~William {465}
~William J. 471
Robertson, A. D. 447
~R. H. 448
~Richard C. 308-310, 447
~Sarah (.Ware) 777
~Virginia (.Cheatham) 452
Robison, Nancy M. (.Hendricks) 544
~William 544
Robinson, A. M. 740
~Belle (.Marsh) 790
~Frances J. (.Willsey) 710
~Henry {621}
~James C. 166, 169, 884
~James Herbert 621
~James N. 621
~John M. (Sen.) {162}
~L. 183
~M. 740
~Mary 740
~Mary (Gray) 740
~Mary Allen (Cohenour) 621
~Olive (Poe) 621
~Polly (.Thurman) 467
~Robert B. 382
Rocheblave, Commander 54
Rock, David C. (Lieut.) 382
Rodgers, Benjamin F. (Capt.) 141
~Elizabeth (.Seaborn) 561
~Luckey (.Turnbaugh) 793
Rogers, Anna M. 697
~Charles {697}
~David (Charles' father) 697
~David (Melinda's father) 708
~David R. 697
~Elizabeth (.Johnson) 689
~Elizabeth (Sargent) 697
~Ellen 697
~Fannie (-) 708
~Fanny (.Clarkson) 674
~Harriet (West) 697
~John 571
~Melinda (.Willsey) 708
~Miss (Nicholas White's mother) (.White) 571
~William 697
Roland, Eliza J. (.Walk) 440
Rolfe, Rolfe & Terry 720
Rollins, A. {560}, 561
~Amelia 560
~Augustus W. 560
~Ch.(4-A.) 560
~Hannah (Tedrow) 560
~John 560
~Lecter 560
~Melissa 560
~Sarah (.Jeffers) 639
Ronan, Ensign 61
Rookerd, Caroline (.Blake) 672
Rose, E. D. {582}, 743
~Elizabeth E. (.Davis) 743
~Henry 582
~Roxana (Allen) 582
~W. W. (Rev.) 668
Roseberry, Elizabeth (.Jones) 769
Rosel, Jacob 446
Roselle, Mr. (George Crow) {328}
Rosenburgh, J. 801
Ross, Alexander K. (Sgt.) {849}
~Brothers (John, Jeremiah) 201, 358, 698
~Charles K. 582
~Charlotte 203
~Clarendon 200, 201, 220, 240, 256, 257, 780
~Elizabeth 203
~Elizabeth (McDaniel) 849
~Family {200},201, 231, 241, 366, 610
~Fernando 942
~Frank C. 582
~Henry J. (Dr.) 200, 201, 385, 582, 780, 872, 875
~James "Jimmy" (Lieut.) 216, 212, 213, 240, 321, 395, 657, 781
~Jeremiah 201, 358, 698, 781
~John 201, 241, 358, 698, 781, 849, 872
~John Jay 203, 218, 241, 362, {399}-401, 781
~Lazarus 277
~Leonard F. (Col.) 138, 200, 201, 203, 206, 209, 220, 241, 253, 259, 260, 263, 266, 362, 385,
395, 399, 697, 698, 780, 810, 871, 872
~Lewis W. 169, 883, 884
~Malvina (Brewster) 849
~Marcellus 206, 240, 241, 357, 362, 380, {582}, 583, 781
~Martha (Kellogg) 582
~Mary Emily 203
~Mattie H. 582
~Micah 697
~Miss (Leonard's daughter) 221
~Mr. (early settler) 362
~Mr. (justice of the peace) 204
~Nancy 203, 240, 781
~Orlando 203
~Ossian M. 248, 249, 257-260, 263, 871
~Roby (Aunt) (-, .Ross, .Ross) 220, 221
~Ross & Gay 575, 678
~Schuyler 203, 221
~Ross, Scott & Co. 782
~William (Col.) 200-203, 205, 206, 210-213, 215, 216, 231, 237, 239-241, [244], 248, 259, 260,
266-270, 308, 310, 318, 320, 321, 356, 357, 358, 362, 363, 373, 428, 582, 653, 654, 668,
{697}-699, 780-782, 795, 806, 871, 873, 876, 883
~William, J. Jr. 239, 313
Rossell, Aditha (-) 751
~Alice (Haycraft) 751
~James {751}
~Joseph 751
Rounds, Amanda (.Martin) 561, 619
~Cephas S. 561
~Ch.(2-Lemuel) 561
~Elizabeth (Jackson) 561
~John 561
~Lemuel {561}
~Lemuel Sr. 561
~Martha (Frye, .Hagar) 561
~Richard 561
Rourke, John (Capt.) 140
Rouse, Amanda E. 869
~Emma F. (.James) 869
~Family 869
~George N. 869
~Levise (Settle) 869
~Margaret A. (.Leach) 869
~Nicholas 869
~Noah S. {869}
~Robert A. 869
~William M. 869
Rowand, Bathuel H. 830, 866
~Dr. J. S. Rowand & Son {829}, 830
~Ellen B. (Haines) 829, 830
~Hoarce M. 830
~J. S. (Dr.) 829, 830
~John 830
~Mrs. (McTucker) 830
Roward, J. R. 800
Rubell, Sarah (.Brooking) 452
Ruby, J.M. 582
~Sarah (Clark, .McKibbon), {582}
Ruddle, Mr. (Stephen's brother) 724
~Stephen (Rev.) 724
Rulon, Albert E. 422
~Flora E. 422
~Jesse 422
~Joseph A. {422}
~Joseph C. 422
~Mary E. (Bonds) 422
Rumans, Mary (.Croft) 453
Rummel, Edward 161
Rupart, David 432
~Julia A. (.Dunniway) 432
Rupert, Carson N. {791}
~Mary E. (Adams) 791
~Miss (Carson's daughter) 791
~Mr. (miller-Carson?) 782, 910
~Shaw, Rupert, Adams & Chapman 654
Rush, Allen C. 916
~Catharine (.Alkire) 741
~Ch.(5-Jerome) 621, 622
~Jerome W. {621}, 622, 712
~John W. 621
~Josiah 833
~Mary A. (.White) 833
~Mr. (of Barry) 796
~Nancy Catherine (Yates) {621}, 622, 712
~Sarah (Brown) 621
Rushing, Siretta J. (.Grayham) 409
Rusk, Perlina (.Ingram) 495
Russell, Captain 66
~David 599
~Eliza 599
~Elmer 599
~Frances A. (Moore) 556
~George 599
~Heberling & Russell 529
~John (Joseph's father) 599
~John (Joseph's son) 599
~Joseph M. {599}
~Martha (Kiser) 599
~Mary 599
~Mary (-) 599
~Nancy (.Foreman) 454
Rutherford, F. S. (Col.) 139
Rutledge, Anna (.Gay) 789
Rutz, Edward 161
Ryan, George (Col.) 139
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